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Everything posted by shassouneh

  1. Gotcha. Thanx. But what's the difference between paging file and swap file?
  2. Quote: A swapfile is used by Windoz to page data that doesn't fit in RAM. Wow. Plain english please? to PAGE data? what's THAT mean. Also, what's the difference between a PAGE file and a SWAP file then? Does Windows NT use on or both of them? details please...
  3. shassouneh

    have an extra machine, what can i do with it?

    Thax Palos. I'm considering a web server. I don't know if my colege ISP allows this though. If i where to set it up as a web server running Windows 2000, I have yet to learn how to create a windows 2000 server succesfully. Oh well. Thanx for the tips though.
  4. shassouneh

    Machine restarts randomly and abruptly VERY FREQUENTLY. Plea

    OK folks. It looks like I've made up my mind. I think I'm gonna go with an aluminum heat sink (sorry BladeRunner). Right now I need to move off as much heat off the processor and fast as possible! You know i have a miniATX case, MEANING hot air tends to "hang around" there so a heat sink may help. I Also need a decent system fan. Any recommendations? So noting that I will choose an Aluminum heat sink and a system fan what kinds/brands/setups would you guys recommend? Also Assume I have BOTH the heat sink and system fan here, how do i set them up? and what's the deal with "thermal paste"? Like I said I'm a newbie in this feild so some "dummy" details would be greatly appreciated. Thanx everyone for taking the time, effort and patience to help me out. i really do appreciate it!
  5. shassouneh

    Machine restarts randomly and abruptly VERY FREQUENTLY. Plea

    AlecStarr, it looks like you misunderstood me. In my previous post I actually favored aluminum over copper by making mention of the fact that it dissipates heat away from the processor faster. Anyways, I am still open to suggestions. Also, I did check 3dcool.com's CPU cooling section and they did not have "heat sinks". help me out here!
  6. shassouneh

    Machine restarts randomly and abruptly VERY FREQUENTLY. Plea

    Well It seems like Copper is more efficient at absorbing more heat before dissipating it, wheras aluminum dissipates the heat almost immediately. The advantage I see in dissipating the heat more quickly is that less heat is "hanging around" the processor's area, even if it is for a few seconds. This may prove to be a breakthrough for reeeeally small cases like mine. I'm considering getting a bigger case, but right now finances are kinda tight, and a heat sink has priority over a case. Anyways. I would love to hear more from you about Copper vs Aluminum and such. It will help me make a better decision when i come to buy the heat sink. Thanx guys. By the way AlecStaar, I checked out www.3dcool.com It looks like a nice site. they don't seem to have a section for "heat sinks" though. They have a nice-looking fan and all, but I'm still looking for their heat sink section. Thanx agian guys, keep em coming.
  7. shassouneh

    Machine restarts randomly and abruptly VERY FREQUENTLY. Plea

    Thanx AlecStaar for the info. I shall roll out a heat sink as soon as my new paycheck gets here (if ever). Thanx again. Yakkoub, I guess the question is, are all batteries compatible? ALso, where can i get one online for a decent price? Note: I would try pricewatch, but good luck finding decent search results for "motherboard battery" LOL.
  8. shassouneh

    Max Payne Problems for XP

    Quote: 3dfx graphics cards Voodoo3: If you get a "Insufficient Video Memory" error, make sure you have Double Buffering selected from the Options menu. Triple Buffering may not work.Graphic novels will look blurred as Voodoo3 supports only 256x256 resolution textures. In addition to trying the above, you may want to try the following (yes I know they sound obvious but make sure you go through them). -Try to lower down your texture. I Don't know anything about the Vodoo 3 card myself, does it support 32 bit textures? if it does try the game with only 16 -Try to lower down your resolution. Depending on how many free system resources you have and how fast of a processor you have, you may have better success with lower resolutions. In most cases a reasonable resolution to try is 800x600. If yet THAT doesn't work, drop down to 640x480 and so on... -The usual obvious rule: shut down all other running processes/applications/etc.. Of coarse, this is to make as much processing power and memory available to the game (Max Payne seems to impose a hefty load on system resources, even on an Athlon 1.4GHZ). If all else fails, you may want to try windows 2000 just to see if it will work with it. If it DOES, then you can try running the game in Windows 2000 emulation mode ;-) There's a myriad of things you can try. That's just the kind of stuff I can think of. I hope this helps.
  9. shassouneh

    Machine restarts randomly and abruptly VERY FREQUENTLY. Plea

    Thanc for the info AlecStaar! I'm stunned. Aluminum heat sink it is. I need some help here guys. I have two issues I'm worried about 1.) the BIOS issue (mentioned above) 2.) Where can I get a decet aluminum heat sink and thermal paste online for a reasonable price? how do you set it u when it gets here? I have never done this kinda stuff before so some details would be grrrrrreat. Also, suppsoing i DO get a heat sink and thermal paste, THEN what? 3.) I read somewhere from a questionable* source that the Nvdia GeForce family of video cards seems notorious for rebooting the computer when Max Payne is being played at 32bit textures. How true is this? Note I said "questionable" source because it was a page online and I have no idea how credible it is. Here is the link to it, should you desire to check it out: www.talonsoft.com/techsupport/gamehelp/maxpayne2.php Note, again for reference, here is the system specs: AMD AThlon Thunderbird 1.4GHZ running on an ECS K75SA 256 MB DDR RAM Nvidia GeForce 2 MX 400 4x AGP (note above note about possibility of problems with GeForce cards) two Quantum Fieball EIDE Ultra DMA/66 hard drives. One: 13.0GB (12.09GB formatted), the other is 30.0GB (27.9GB formatted). Partition table looks like this: Hard Drive Number Partition Size File System 1 12.2GB (C: ) NTFS 1 5.33GB (D: ) NTFS 1 6.13GB (E: ) FAT32 1 62MB Linux Native (ext2) 1 128MB Linux Swap 1 3.49GB Linux Native (ext2) 2 12.1GB NTFS
  10. shassouneh

    Machine restarts randomly and abruptly VERY FREQUENTLY. Plea

    Sure will. One other problem is that the BIOS seems t reset itself every now and then. I have no idea why it does this. I decided to completely shut down the machine to allow its parts too cool off opnce I received your previous replies, and I started it up to check my mail today and that's what it did. It seems to do it every now and then, so I don't think I'm actually DOING anything to cause it. Any ideas?
  11. shassouneh

    Machine restarts randomly and abruptly VERY FREQUENTLY. Plea

    I see. I think it may be overheating actualy. I do NOT have a heat sink! All i have is a mall fan! Yes, I know you want to shoot me, but I'll look for a Heat Sink and a HUGE processor fan, as well as a system fan soon hopefully. right now college work is getting over my head. LOL
  12. shassouneh

    Machine restarts randomly and abruptly VERY FREQUENTLY. Plea

    No not overclocking. Motherboard does not support overclocking anyways! I'll check out the Event logs and If i find something interesting or susicious I'll post it here.
  13. shassouneh

    Machine restarts randomly and abruptly VERY FREQUENTLY. Plea

    hmm, out of curiosity, what would overheating have to do with it? It MAY actually be overheating, but how would that make it restart? Also note: Linux doesn't seemto have that problem whenever i run it.
  14. shassouneh

    Machine restarts randomly and abruptly VERY FREQUENTLY. Plea

    Yes, even though it IS a possibility, i don't think so really. I tested the RAM chips on 2 or 3 other machines and it works great. Also, It seesm that the crashes MAY be caused somehow by the OS. It never dies on me in Linux fro some reason. Yes, it is a possibility, but I don't think that's the reason.
  15. Dear All, This is an irritating problem. Every time I start up Outlook Express, which is my email client, Windows messenger forces itself open with it. I have managed to set it up such that it does not log on, but it still starts up with outlook! Under outlook express's settings, i chose NOT to log in msn messenger automatically ehen outlook express starts up, and under msn messenger, I set it up such that it does not start up with windows, AND its not allowed to run in the background. So to keep a long story short: -MSN is not on the taskbar, and it is closed. However, launching outlook express FORCES a launch of the MSN messenger (windows messenger) application with it. I have tried to look under add/remove programs for windows messenger as a windows component, but couldn't find it. Please help. This is really irritating!
  16. Hi All, my machine seems to be restarting very frequently for no apparent reason. I have supplied the system specs below: Operating System: running both Windows 2000 and Windows XP (the problem occurs in both). Also running Linux Mandrake 8.1 (2.4.8-26) System Configuration: AMD Athlon Thunderbird 1.4GHZ on an ECS k55SA motherboard. 64MB Nvidia GeForce 2 MX 400 AGP 4x 256MB DDR RAM hard drives: Quantum Fireball 13.0GB 5400 rpm running NTFS (12.09GB formatted) Quantum Fireball lct 30.0GB 7200rpm (27.9GB formatted. multiple partitions) Note: I have disabled advanced power options in BOTH the BIOS and Windows 2000 and XP. The problem still occurs. Any idea/solutions?
  17. Hi All, I'm on a college network. Recently, they have blocked all TCP/Ip ports EXCEPT port 21 and port 80, thus blocking all file sharing services such as Kazaa and Morpheus with it. Is there a way I can work around this? If so, How? Please note that I don't know too much about networking. So kindly use "dummy" language in your rpely (if you decide to reply that is). Thanx. Note: We're on an ethernet network (semi-T1) and the ports have been PHYSUCALLY blocked by the college ISP. Please help!
  18. shassouneh

    need help, behind LAN port block! [please read]

    I bet you Morpheus and Kazza may have some record of what port(s) they use somewhere in the registry. Am I gonna even attempt to dig through the regisrry, HEEEE*** NO!! LOL. I may be mistaken though!
  19. shassouneh

    need help, behind LAN port block! [please read]

    Thanx. I don't use IRC myself, so I'll have to just work on figuring out the kazaa deal is posisble. If something comes up I'll let you know of coarse. Meanwhile, I still can't get Kazaa or Morpheus (etc..) to work. I'll keep messing with it. I'm sure somehow someway we can get the D*** thing to work!
  20. shassouneh

    need help, behind LAN port block! [please read]

    Thanx for the description CUViper. It helps quite a bit. Unfortunately, like you said we don't know what HTTport does and how really we can get it working, so there's an obstacle there to go through. It should be simpler than that though. I mean think about it, we alread HAVE port 21 and port 80 open for our use. All we really need to do is either a.) Find a way to force the programs to use port 21 or 80 or b.) Re-route all traffic to 80 and 21 using some program. Accrding to AlecStaar, HTTport does option b for us, BUT the question remains: How can you get the D*** thing to work! LOL
  21. shassouneh

    how to disable Windows Messenger with Outlook Exoress or uni

    Sure. I beleive this trick is a WindowsXP-only trick since "Windows Messenger" comes bundeled with Windows XP whether you like it or not. So Under WindowsXP edit the sysoc.inf file as described above, and it will work (it did so for me). For Windows 2000. you need not do anything but go into Add/remove programs and look for MSN messenger and remove it. MSN messenger/Windows Messenger comes bundeled ONLY with WindowsXP and its a pain in the a** to uninstall in WinXp, BUT you usually have to INSTALL it yourself for Windows 2000. So try that and let us know if it helps any!
  22. shassouneh

    need help, behind LAN port block! [please read]

    Thanx CUViper, but you're going way too fast for me here. I can barely understand that you mean I should somehow 'hook up" a combination of both programs. You gotta remmeber here that I don't know much about netowrking. I appreciate your post, but I am no System Admin, LOL. The FAQ and help sections of HTTPport don't seem to be helpful at all. At least not in my case. All this talk about proxiesmakes no sense to me especiallysince we are not configured to use a proxy. The ISP has decided to block all ports except 21 and 80 to "conserve" bandwidth because they cannot come up with a legitmate excuse why the bandwidth cannot be managed effieciently. Anyways, I hope some day some where someone develops a program that does just that for us without us having to worry much about it.
  23. shassouneh

    need help, behind LAN port block! [please read]

    LOL that would be nice. Although judging from the way its going that aint gonna happen. I'll probably make a post to declare that I figured out how to use it IF I do, LOL :-)
  24. Hi All, I'm behind a college network that has blocked everything but port 80 and 21. I would like to use HTTPPort and I have just downloaded and installed it, but i find it WAY TOO complicated to be used. For example, we are NOT behind a proxy. Its just that all the ports have been PHYSICALLY blocked. Also, how would you configure Kazaa/Morpheus/etc.. for use with it? Any feedback and/or pointers will be great! Thanx guys! NOTE: I don't know too much about networking, so please use "dummy" language LOL.