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Everything posted by shassouneh

  1. Originally posted by peterh: Quote: Have you considered this to be a graphics problem rather than a System Restore problem. Update your graphics card drivers, could be a bug in rendering the calendar properly. NO i have not considered this to be a graphics-related issue. I am running the latest drivers from ATI (I was preppign this machine for a ghost). Also, I have made some slight progress by getting system restore to start in an IE window, so I am convinced this is not a graphics issue. That being said, I thank you for your input/suggestion, and I am open to any suggestions. Please do keep them coming. I appreciate ALL input.
  2. Happy new year everyone. Got any resolutions lined up? My new year's resolution will be 1024 x 768 Now down to business. Wilhelmus, I decided to go through your list step by step. Here are my findings. Originally posted by Wilhelmus: Quote: 1) Can you right-click the SR page? Do you get standard IE pop-up menu (Back, Forward,View Source, etc.) I indeed do get a standard IE pop-up menu. See screenshot: Quote: 2) Have you tried to uninstall IE from your computer? No I have not. However, I don't see that I should. See step 3 below! Quote: 3) Open IE/Explorer, and type: res://C:\WINDOWS\system32\Restore\rstrui.exe/start.htm to address bar and press Enter. Do you get any page or just error? Well THAT seems to have worked. This LAUNCHES system resttore's blank window, AND asks if its ok to run this ActiveX control since it is trying to communicate with something else. See screenshots. Asks For Permission If permission granted, it seems to load Quote: 4) Start->Run:cmd Type these: regsvr32 /U srclient.dll regsvr32 srclient.dll 5) Start->Run:cmd Type these: regsvr32 urlmon.dll regsvr32 Shdocvw.dll regsvr32 Msjava.dll regsvr32 Actxprxy.dll regsvr32 Oleaut32.dll regsvr32 Mshtml.dll regsvr32 Browseui.dll regsvr32 Shell32.dll They all register fine EXCEPT Msjava.dll where i get: NOTE: Even though they registered, I STILL get a blank window. Quote: 6) Download and install this: Windows Script 5.6 for Windows XP and Windows 2000 http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/detai...;DisplayLang=en I am unable to download this. This requires "Windows Advantage Validation" which fails on my machine for some reason. I am running a legal copy of Windows, but I am not interested in getting this to work. Do you happen to have an alternate download link (I am trying google now). Quote: 7) Reinstall IE: Start->Run->"%systemroot%\inf"->Right-click ie.inf->Install. You'll need XP CD. In light of the partial progress in step 3 (please review it above), I am hesitant to do this step. Please confirm whether or not this step is necessary.
  3. Another Update: I just ran Norton WinDoctor 2006 off of a CD. It found a bunch of ActiveX/COM errors which I told it to fix. Still a blank window though :-\
  4. UPDATE: On a hunch to try ALL possible recommendations by Microsoft, I figured I'd give this one a go. STILL DID NOT FIX THE PROBLEM however. This is what I tried
  5. Originally posted by Wilhelmus: Quote: Try executing this .reg file. http://kotisivu.dnainternet.net/vilalas/Restore_sys.reg Note: If your Windows is installed different folder than C:\Windows,you'll have to modify the file. My windows is indeed installed in C:\Windows. I ran the file, and let it change the registry. Result: Same blank window! Thanx for all the suggestions and feedback everyone. Even though this problem has not yet been resolved, I appreciate all feedback that has been put on the table thus far.
  6. Ok Here's a minor Update. It seems this problem is NOT at all dependent on Jscript.dll and/or VbScript.dll. Here's why 1.) I pulled 3 files from the Windows XP CD on to my desktop. Namely: JSCRIPT.DL_, VBSCRIPT.DL_ and EXPAND.EXE 2.) I ran expand to expand those files into DLLs as such expand VBSCRIPT.DL_ VBSCRIPT.DLL expand JSCRIPT.DL_ JSCRIPT.DLL 3.) I copied those files (JSCRIPT.DLL and VBSCRIPT.DLL) into C:\Windows\System32 and I over-wrote the existing ones 4.) I re-registered those files Start -> Run -> regsvr32 jscript.dll [Registered Succesfully, clicked OK] Start -> Run -> regsvr32 vbscript.dll [Registered Succesfully, clicked OK] 5.) I tried to launch System Restore. RESULT / Conclusion: The problem has NOT been fixed. I still get that same ugly blank window. I just figured I would mention these steps in case someone with a similar problem would like to give them a shot.
  7. Originally posted by Relic: Quote: Hmmmm, that sucks. You say your XP CD comes with SP2, what updates are you worried about if you repair XP? None of your programs get changed, just XP gets repaired, and you have SP2 on the CD. Well if my understanding serves me right, the repair process does replace DLLs. DLLs that could have been updated when i installed Visual Studio .net 2005. Furthermore, repairing Windows XP, which is essentially INSTALLING Windows XP all over agian (be it on TOP of the current installation) is just OVERKILL given that everything else works BUT System Restore. I would not hesitate if my entire machine is acting up. But when it comes to JUST System Restore, I don't want to go through the trouble of setting up Windows XP, let alone activation!
  8. Originally posted by Relic: Quote: Try this, I've yet to find a script this guy writes that doesn't work. http://www.dougknox.com/xp/utils/SysRestoreCalendar.zip Great site, bookmark it. 8) http://www.dougknox.com/ I had already tried this. I told it to repair 2 keys, and it did. But it STILL does not work. This is what it looks like when I run it:
  9. Tried to Re-Install System Restore. restarted. Same Problem! Ran the OLE vbs file, it said it fixed it, but same roblem. Looked at the KB article. Cleared out System Restore Points. Disabled Systsem Restore. Rebooted. Enabled System Restore Point. Tries to Run System Restore Point -> Same Problem. Anyone sensing my frustration yet? I wish someone could pull a Jedi mind trick on me to make me feel all better and make this thing go away, hehe Also, I kindly ask that Sampson and Wilhelmus re-read my original post just to make sure I did not miss anything. Thanx for the feedback guys. Much appreciated. Keep it coming...
  10. Could a mod/admin please move this to the right section (if its not in it already) ? 10x
  11. shassouneh

    Firefox Myths

    Putting Flaming aside, I have no doubt that Firefox is way WAY over rated. People that say Firefox can do A, B, C and D rarely realize (or admit) that you need to download and install additional software (extensions) to accomplish such advanced tasks. Opera on the other hand can do most of what FF can, with no additional extensions. Its download size is smaller, AND its install size is smaller.!!!!I know I am pushing Opera here, but its for a reason!
  12. Dear Sampson, I stand corrected. I would edit my post but its not allowing me. I still beleive that Symantec (I am not picking on McAffee here at all) can do a better job with their software. That being said, I wish there was a way to edit my post to give it a lighter tone.
  13. Hi All, First of all I admit I am in no way shape or form an expert on viruses/worms/vulnerabilities or threats. However, I do run ZoneAlarm's AntiVirus (which comes as part of the Internet Security Suite). I was wondering how effective this peice of software is in comparison to say mcAffee, Symantec's Norton, Nod32, Panda, AVG, etc.. From what I can tell, ZoneAlarm uses licensed technology from Computer Associates, and its Anti Virus is nothing more than one provided by CA and rebranded by ZA. (Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) According to Secunia, the top clients it recognizes are Norton, McAffee, Sophos, and sometimes Panda. I did not see CA or ZoneAlarm anywehere on my last visit, and on ZoneAlarm's security response, the last major threat they have posted there is Sober.P [Posted on October 5th 2005]. So the basic question here is for any security and/or virus experts out there. How well (if at all) does ZoneAlarm/Computer Associates defend against virus threats? NOTE: By sheer nature of this topic, it is entirely open to speculation and opinion. I encourage those of you with something interesting to say to step forward, knowing that any meaningful input would certainly be very much appreciated.
  14. Oh wow. Quite a bit of input here. Thanx guys. Ok well as far as system resources are concerned, ZoneAlarm's Internet Security suite does a fabulous job. I barely even notice its runnign at all. It seems NOTEPAD has a heavier footprint than ZA (lol, an exaggeration I know but still shows a point). As far as hardware firewall, I am behind a router (Netgear MR814). I figure an extra level of software firewall cannot hurt. I have had personal experience with Norton products. Ever since 2004 versions of their software, their software has grown to become monsters that take over the machine, have severe problems with stability, prone to "Activation" problems and requiring random re-activation, as long as not un-installing properly and leaving loads of Symantec junk and spam behind. The only Norton product I have true respect for is Norton Ghost 2003. (Ghost 9 was a huge flop which was not even made by Symantec! Noticing a pattern of sloppiness yet?, and it seems from the new activation hassles of ghost 10 that Symantec is losing its reign in this feild). Anywho, I am still open to any input, especially that which can offer some insight into the ZoneAlarm and/or CA AntiViral engines. Has anyone been able to confirm 100% that ZA AntiVirus = CA AntiVirus? Originally posted by Relic: Quote: Of course it was ExpLODER, heh heh heh. But, since I dumped CA, no probs. I was running FF, but that started crashing, so I dumped it. Besides, there are still a lot of sites I visit that require Exploder, so that would mean having to have 2 browsers. The rest of Rogers stuff in their browser works, I'm impressed, so I'll keep using it. Have you tried Opera? I "used" to be a HUGE fan of Mozilla, up until they decided to drop Mozilla Suite (Seamonkey) and go with the annoying Firefox.
  15. shassouneh

    Installing/playing Red Alert 95

    Some things to try 1.) Use NTVDM's Dos sound emulator. It has not been updated in AGES, but it works for almost all DOS games that I have tried under XP. 2.) You may have to call it quits when it comes to playing the windows version. The windows version was coded in such a way that it tries to directly access hardware resources. Something which the NT architecture (XP is an NT-based OS) will not "allow". 3.) Westwood is going to release ALL the C&C / Red Alert / Generals games that they have created so far in one megapack. Obviously they are NOT going to do this knowing that the older games will not run on XP, so I expect they might bundle some sort of solution along with it. Perhaps you might want to look into that? 4.) Look at some community spots that sport old strategy games like C&C / Red Alert. I can gurantee you someone else is having the same problem as you do, and has discussed it in such community areas. They might even have some sort of "patch" or "loader" that can start the game under XP? 5.) Read the NTCompatible.com Compatiblity profile for this game (Red Alert 1). You might look into the comments that users left. Someone may have already figured this out? This says tested under NT4, but you never know. It may work under XP --> Works Under NT4 This is a guide to getting it to work under Windows 2000. Since XP was built from 2000, I would not be surprised if you cna get this to work for you --> Works under 2k this is a painful solution but might work for you --> Install under Win9x/Me first I hope this helps
  16. Do you have any idea why the installation failed 3 times? Just wondering. Perhaps if you can somehoe get the installation to work, you could install it, so that you can easily un-install it using Add/Remove. That being said: Shame on Symantec. Ever since their 2004 versions of their software, things have just been getting worse and worse and worse. It seems like their installs have become more crash prone, their activation schemes prone to randomly expiring requiring activation all over again, their un-installers almost useless (leaving behind all sorts of Symantec junk), and the usability and functionality of their software increasingly dropping (see for example Ghost 9 [which wasn't even made by Symantec] vs ghost 2003). I know I am not offering much in terms of a solution, but perhaps your solution might be to bite the bullet, format, and never touch Norton again (unless its ghost 2003). I have done that and I have found that my machine runs much happier, lighter, safer, and with no cluttered Symantec Junk. Also consider ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite as a future replacement to NIS/NAV
  17. Originally posted by Relic: Quote: My browser was crashing to the desktop constantly, and the error was always with CA. Lost the CA part of the browser, no more crashes. I run AVG now, no probs at all. That browser wouldn't happen to be Internet Explorer would it? Sorry but it don't take much to crash that Peice Of Lard commonly known as Internet Explorer
  18. Thanx for the reply. As you have mentioned Norton and McAffee are notorious for attempting to control everything and taking over your machine. This is one of PLENTY reasons I am avoiding them altogether. As far as crashes, I have never experienced any with ZA/CA AV. The only thing that I am interested in in some sort of evaluation or comparison of the AV engine that comes with ZA to see how (if at all) effective it is. Thank you for the input. Please keep it coming folks
  19. Hi All, First of all I appologize if this is in the wrong section. I consider this threaf to be indeed security-related since IE is notorious for poor security. Also, I would like to point out that I DID a search before posting this. Anyone who has used the search here at ntcompatible will know that it generates far too many results that have nothing to do with the seacrh query. That being said, on to the fun.. I wish to COMPLETELY disable Internet Explorer. That is, the following wo tasks MUST be accomplished: 1.) Internet Explorer should not be allowed to run. PERIOD. Neither by start menu, nor by manually running iexplore.exe 2.) Windows Explorer should NOT automatically transform into IE when a URL/web address is typed in This being said, please do note the following: a.) I'm running Windows XP SP2, and YES I did disable IE from the Set Program Access and Defaults b.) I am NOT interested in setting up a fake proxy. As a matter of fact I do not want iexplore.exe to run AT ALL. I consider IE to be a security threat by itself. My father frequently uses my machine, and I do NOT want him to have access to IE. I know this is harsh, but I have other web browsers installed, and would rather keep my machine intact than risk using IE to ruin it. Thanx for any assistance you can offer with this problem
  20. shassouneh

    Killing Internet Explorer Permenantly?

    Thanx for all the feedback and valuable input everyone. It seems as Sampson put it, I have little or no choice but to "cripple" IE and hope for the best using my default browser ( Opera ). This really is a huge disappointment which I do not see (yet) how the courts have not managed to sue Microsoft for. Basically what we have here is "Internet Explorer will be forecibly installed on your machine whether you like it or not, will be a pain to remove or cripple, and will always be available (to run) in at least a limited capacity". This may work well (very well) for IE aficionados. But for the few of us who have seen IE with all its gory and bare teeth, this is troubling news. Thanx again everyone for your input. It is certainly much appreciated. PS: Thanx for the suggestion/guide to un-install IE. I do not wish to un-install IE simply because I may have to use it at a later time to check ym web development on it. I just would rather find a way to comletely disable it from running. oh well Mods: Please feel free to close/move this topic at your own discretion. [Edited by shassouneh on 2005-12-11 09:59:39]
  21. shassouneh

    Killing Internet Explorer Permenantly?

    Originally posted by Sampson: Quote: I hate responding to you, shassouneh, since you rarely read or follow what is asked of you, ... I really don't get why you claim I never apply what you ask me to, especially when in the first post I make it clear what you have in mind does nto work for me! I indeed DID try what was asked of me, and I made it VERY clear that I do NOT want to set up a fake proxy or a proxy of any kind! Originally posted by shassouneh: Quote: Originally posted by American Zombie: Quote: http://sillydog.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2677 Thanx but this solution DOES NOT Work. All it accomplishes is that now I am prompted with a dialog to re-install critical file (which the link you provided says it can be safely ignored). However, item 2 above (going online with IE using Windows Explorer) STILL takes place, so we are essentially back to square one. As a matter of fact, choosing "cancel" at the dialog, and typing www.yahoo.com and then enter will actually load up yahoo in IE. Short Conclusion: The workaround provided does not do the job. Sorry. Any other suggestions ? Originally posted by shassouneh: Quote: b.) I am NOT interested in setting up a fake proxy. As a matter of fact I do not want iexplore.exe to run AT ALL. Sampson, if you had read the original post, you would have realized that I clearly stated that setting up a proxy, OR configuring IE to only open certain sites is NOT AT ALL satisfactory for me. I do not wish IE to run AT ALL. PERIOD! What you are suggesting is that IE won't be ABLE to open pages, but it can still RUN. See my point? Furthermore I tried disabling IE but all that resulted in was a dialog asking me to re-install critical files. If I choose cancel, I can still type in an address in Windows Explorer and have IE navigate to it! ---------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by mctonale: Quote: UseSetBrowserto change defult browser settings. Just tryed setting up a defult proxy. worked but you can not do a microsoft update. Please Read Above: Originally posted by shassouneh: Quote: a.) I'm running Windows XP SP2, and YES I did disable IE from the Set Program Access and Defaults b.) I am NOT interested in setting up a fake proxy. As a matter of fact I do not want iexplore.exe to run AT ALL. Thanx for the replies everyone. Please keep them coming NOTE: I do not use IE, OUtlook Express, or Windows Media Player. Opera, VideoLan's VLC and Nero's Showtime fit nicely to do all what they can do. So as far as I'm concerned if killing IE means killing WMP and/or OE so be it. I just do not want to be able to run IE. I do not want to completely un-install IE either since I might use it at a later time for my web development.
  22. shassouneh

    Killing Internet Explorer Permenantly?

    Originally posted by American Zombie: Quote: http://sillydog.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2677 Thanx but this solution DOES NOT Work. All it accomplishes is that now I am prompted with a dialog to re-install critical file (which the link you provided says it can be safely ignored). However, item 2 above (going online with IE using Windows Explorer) STILL takes place, so we are essentially back to square one. As a matter of fact, choosing "cancel" at the dialog, and typing www.yahoo.com and then enter will actually load up yahoo in IE. Short Conclusion: The workaround provided does not do the job. Sorry. Any other suggestions ?
  23. shassouneh

    Killing Internet Explorer Permenantly?

    Originally posted by American Zombie: Quote: http://sillydog.org/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2677 Thanx but this solution DOES NOT Work. All it accomplishes is that now I am prompted with a dialog to re-install critical file (which the link you provided says it can be safely ignored). However, item 2 above (going online with IE using Windows Explorer) STILL takes place, so we are essentially back to square one. As a matter of fact, choosing "cancel" at the dialog, and typing www.yahoo.com and then enter will actually load up yahoo in IE. Short Conclusion: The workaround provided does not do the job. Sorry. Any other suggestions ?
  24. shassouneh

    QUICK! Need an UNDELETE! Argh!

    Try Runtime Software's GetDataBack NTFS (or FAT32) depending on what kind of partition you are running). It can help you recover deleted files AS LONG AS YOU DID NOT OVER-WRITE them with new data.
  25. This could be due to a variety of reasons, including but not limited to: 1.) Failing Hard Drive or Partition or File System 2.) Untreated Virus activity 3.) Corrupted registry (see 1 and 2 above). 4.) Loose IDE (or SCSI) cable(s). You CAN try to do a repair, which is really as painful as a format in XP because a repair essentially means re-installing windows. In windows 2000 it was not the case, but oh well. BEWARE: Repairing windows, although might fix your issue, will potentially over-write updated files and render any service packs you have installed void. That being said, perhaps you should consider a full-fledged boring painful format? (at least this way you start with a CLEAN slate rather than a patched-up system). Another option is to try to "recover" your files by using either a data recovery tool, or by messing with Hiren's Boot CD to see if you can somehow "repair" the registry. Good Luck. PS: You might also want to consider switching back to Windows 2000. Although Windows 2000 is older, it still shares the same basic core as Windows XP, AND repairing it does NOT necessarily mean re-installing windows as in the case of XP. Plus you would NOT have to deal with the hassle of activation