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Everything posted by shassouneh

  1. shassouneh

    An Interesting Problem (Ghosting form one machine to another

    I dunno. But now I "somehow" went through the entire setup and now it weants me to acticate windows, but won't accept my activation. Weird. Looks Like I might have to set up form scratch
  2. shassouneh

    An Interesting Problem (Ghosting form one machine to another

    Dear Tomay, Your trick didn't work. I did as you said, and repaired the installation, but all that did was the next time I tried to boot is I was presented with Windows XP setup, and had to pretty much re innstall the OS. Also, in the setup, I get an error message that says "unregmp2.exe - Entry Point Not Found. The procedure entry point GetIUMS could not be located in the dynamic link library MSDART.DLL" HELP!
  3. shassouneh

    An Interesting Problem (Ghosting form one machine to another

    reply edited. I ran into frustrating problems. Please read below
  4. Hi All, let me first start by saying that my Linux boots up every time so this may likely be a hardware issue with Windows XP. Breif System Specs: motherboard: Soyo Dragon Plus K7V bus/clock speed: DDR 266 (133 Mhz) Installed memory: 1 GB video card: Nvidia geForce 4 MX 440 128MB AGP 4x Here is a breif description of the problem: Windows will freeze at the splash screen (the one with the sliding bar) when it attempts to boot. Pressing the reset button and doing this 2 or 3 times eventually gets it to boot properly. Also, the BIOS seems to disable my USB ports sometimes and SOMETIMES re enabling the USB ports does the trick! NOTE: Linux boots fine, and completely EVERY SINGLE TIME. Can someone offer some iinsight on what's going on? PS: I already searched the forum to see if I can find a similar topic, so please don't flame me
  5. shassouneh

    Intermittent Windows boots (Linux boots just fine).

    OK I have some data to report, based on my observations. I used the /sos trick (described previously) to kind of get a more "verbose" boot up, and here is what I have to report: The system boots 1 in every 4 attempts as follows Boot I: freeze (see below) Boot II: freeze (see below) Boot III: freeze (see below) Boot IV: Boots OK! freeze: All drivers are loaded, and then I am presented with a screen that says I have one processor, and 1024Mb of installed memory, then nothing happens! Even Ctrl-Alt-Del has no effect. The reset button has to be pressed to get anywhere REMINDER: My Linux boots EVERY TIME with nor problems whatsoever, I am begginging to think this is something s***y with Windows XP (or win32). I have not tries priime95 or memtest just yet as I was trying to get windows to boot (but I doubt its a memory issue since Linux doesn't suffer at all) Can someone please offer some insight how this annoying problem (booting 25% of the time) can be fixed? Thanx PS: I already have the latest version of the BIOS installed
  6. shassouneh

    Intermittent Windows boots (Linux boots just fine).

    Thanx brian, I will give this a shot, and report back in this topic with my results. NOTE: I don't seem to have ANY problems under Linux of this sort. Could it be a Win32 issue?
  7. shassouneh

    Intermittent Windows boots (Linux boots just fine).

    Thanx for the reply. Is there a memtest in specific you would recommend i try or just any mem test out there? Also where can I get this prime95 ??? Thanx
  8. shassouneh

    I need a list of Video Cards...

    Thanx for the reply Mt. Gov't. I DO intend on playing new games, at least until ym system can no longer handle them. SO It looks like the 9600XT or Pro. Thanx for the advice and reply. Much appreciated
  9. shassouneh

    n00b programming Win32... Where to start?

    Actually I Do know about Mono. I chose my words very carefully. Mono does come very close, but since it is not 100% perfect, I chose to say not "fully" ported or supported
  10. shassouneh

    VIA onboard soundcard on Windows Xp

    I know the cause of this. I had the very same problem. The issue is related to your VIA chipset. According to Soyo (my motherboard manufacturer), you need to install the VIA drivers (NOT the ones that come with XP by default), and it should work fine. Here is more information: Distorted Sound when using a VIA chipset motherboard
  11. shassouneh

    I need a list of Video Cards...

    This is a silly question, but I am a complete dummy when it comes to video cards. Can anyone help me with this. I have the following system and I need a good video card for it. I need the BEST card the system can take full advantage of. Note that is is in no way a top-notch or super fast system, so I need something that the system can take FULL advantage of Athlon XP 2000+ (1.67 GHz) PALOMINO core CPU Soyo Dragon PLus K7V mainboard 1GB DDR 2100 (266 MHz) DDR Memory [Video Card Goes here] plenty of hard drive space (at least 40 GB free) SBPCI 512 sound card Again, the system is NOT cutting edge in any way, so It is pointless to buy a $250 card (for example). Can anyone kindly help? Please list at least one card Ati and at least one card Nvidia so i can compare betwene them
  12. shassouneh

    programming in windows

    I'mn a much bigger fan of Visual Studio. Its awesome. I am fortunate enough to be a student so I can use it for free. When i saw you wanted to try C# but don't want to spend thousands of dollars on VS.net, I just HAD to say something. LOL. I hope you try Borland C# bUilder. I have not messed with it at all. In fact, the one borland tool i have used recently was JBuilder which did not impress me at all. LOL. NBorland C++ Builder is paradise on earth (especially for the GUI stuff)
  13. shassouneh

    What is this rubbish?

    Hmmm I C. I have heard it has an older GPU. iI still can't figure out which is the best card my system can take advantage of
  14. shassouneh

    problem reinstalling modem on widows 2000

    Glad to hear the problem got fixed. Samer
  15. shassouneh

    Best Webmail

    This is way cool. How the heck does it work?
  16. shassouneh

    If you could Flame about something - what would it be?

    Quote: I cannot understand how Arabs, namely Arab Muslims, can watch thier brothers and sisters be brutalized by the likes of Saddam and not stand against him Then complain that we invade. You do have a point, although you MUSt understand the following point. There is NO SUCH THING as an arab or muslim "democracy" right now. Even governments that claim to be "democratic" are nothing but dictatorships themselves. Whether be it a King or a president, they are all dictators. It is in the best interest of these dictators to form happy relations with the people, and they usually do. And after they do, the story is all over. Without mentioning names, as an Arab born and raised in the middle east I can assure you ALL Arab countries are dictatorships but with freindly masks Also, ALL of the arabic (and Islamic countries) are economically weak. What this means is that there is a general atmosphere of "I mind my own business, after all I need to provide for my family" I am not saying this mentality is correct, but I am just clarifying how things work over there.
  17. As mentioned above, LC is a good one. Also try this wealth of resources here: LinuxQuestions.org RPMFind.net PBone Linux.com SlashDot Need I go On? LOL. PS: Installing An Acrobat PDF reader in Linux is a breeze. Depending on your distro, look around in your distro's add/remove software manager, and look for the package "xpdf" Good luck
  18. shassouneh

    programming in windows

    Quote: what do i have to download in order to use a .net ?? (it more a quwstion of where...) Actuially you CAN get free software to work with C# (providing its for personal non-commercial use). Borland C# Builder Personal (free) MAKE SURE YOU GET THE Personal download edition VERSION Good Luck
  19. shassouneh

    AMD To be a threat to Intel?

    no .net, no P4. I vote for TuxAthlon AMD chips all the way
  20. shassouneh

    If you could Flame about something - what would it be?

    Israeli practices in Palestine and blind support of the US government and millitary of Israel (I am of Palestinian Arab heritage/etnicity)
  21. shassouneh

    n00b programming Win32... Where to start?

    C# (pronounced "C Sharp") is VERY promising. Borland has a free "personal" edition of their C# Builder software which you cna use to learn C# at your own rate. C# performs much better than Java, and almost as fast as C++ and allows for nice, smooth, fluent GUI programming. I highly recommend it. The Only down side I see to C# is cross-platform, since it is a technology made by Microsoft, up to this point it has not been fully ported (or supported) in non-Windows platforms.
  22. To be honest with you, I have been skeptikal about the US invading Iraq from day -1. I was (and still am) against the idea of the US being in Iraq. As a matter of fact, I am of arab heritage and ethnicity. To me, its a HUGE issue of mistrust betwene us (the arabs) and the United States. For one I am palestinian, and the US has been supporting Israel for a looong time. Long story short, I am VERY skeptikal of the US's presence in Iraq and the middle East. Even with Saddam gone, I doubt the tension will cool off for some time to come!
  23. shassouneh

    norton ghost

    There is an NTFS driver out there for DOS. I have never tried it myself, but you can try to google to find it. Also, if you don't mind spending $35, get an OEM copy of Norton SystemWorks Pro 2003. It comes with ghost 2003, which is much better and easier for doing the kind of job you want it to. good luck
  24. shassouneh

    problem reinstalling modem on widows 2000

    No. Not necessarily. Be careful. If you want to try the XP driver, make sure u are ready to format/re-set up your PC. Small things like that could ruin your set up. Trend with care! I suggest you keep looking with me for a win2k driver and not risk using the XP driver PS: This is a LOOONG shot, but try this: ESS 2828 PCI Modem WIndows 2000 driver (from ESS's web site) This driver is probably the exact same one you have, but all the same extract the files somewhere and try pointing the "update driver" wizard to this directory
  25. shassouneh

    problem reinstalling modem on widows 2000

    Did u try sniffing around www.driverguide.com ??? Sometimes you can find "better" drivers for a peice of hardware on driverguide than on the actual component manufacturer's web site!!! No gurantees, but I suggest you look into a.) driverguide.com b.) ESS's web site (support section) A Simple search on driverguide.com gave these results: DriverGuide Results Check them out. One (or more) of them could prove useful