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About Xearo2K

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  1. Xearo2K

    XP won't install

    I'm going to explain my problem(s) in details: While trying to install Windows XP, still in the first DOS portion of the installation, when I see 'Setup is starting Windows XP...' nothing more happens my system hangs, nothing I can do (numlock stays on, no way to get it off etc. .., ctrl+alt+del neither...) When trying it with an older 600Mb HD, it works fine... I have the *same* problem while trying to install Windows2000 with a slipstream'ed Windows2000 CD with SP1 or SP2. I can't install SP1 & SP2 in any way at all by the way... I really need a fix for this... Thanks a lot!
  2. Xearo2K

    XP won't install

    I got the same thing here! I got an Abit BH6 (rev. 1.0) motherboard with a Maxtor 20Gig HD When I use another harddrive it works! But not with the Maxtor once, and I have to use the Maxtor one.. Can someone help me? VERY urgent!