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About DrLove

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  1. Quote: 1.- DONT USE WINE WITH HALF LIFE!!! ask valve for a port, if u want to play it or boot into winblows as a general rule, dont use wine for games at all! online games... [/b] Or don't use Wine at all.. geez.. what is the point of using linux then? Star office is pretty competent when being an Office Clone. Everything else you need to run in linux, it's there. Quote: 2.- impossible to be faster win2k in anyway... NO WAY! unless your GNU/linux setting are screw up somehow, u can make it crawl... Excuse me. Nautilus is a Hog. You know who says so? The same people who brought you Ximian Gnome 1.4. And even though I know they are working to make it faster it really hogs down my systems which I think are pretty high end. Graphically speaking Linux still has a long way to go. I am not saying based on their opengl or gaming capabilities. I run maya a software package for doing computer animation and it runs fastest in my Windows 2000 Box, than in the linux box. Linux for me is the best webserver and the best render server. What is faster than the Windows 2000 box? My Octane2. Quote: support from companies will only comes with "costumers", if they saw more people using linux, they will release more stuff for it, hardware drivers, software... hey Lucas Arts ILM is switching their winblows boxes to linux! I saw it at zdnet... I did and you know what? All the beautiful eye candy and ease of install don't cut it. It lasted a week before I took it down and went for Red Hat 7.1 which is the OS finally sitting in my Linux-Box. I run several servers on my boxes and they didn't compile really well. I know.. Linux is linux. But the distributions are so many. I wish that Linux had two versions.. not 7... It's like you have redhat distro, mandrake, suse, debian... Jeez.. It's complicated enough with one distro. It's a nightmare.. With windows it's becoming a nightmare.. windows 98, se, me.. argh.. For that alone I can't wait till XP goes out so that the dreaded 9x ends up dead like it's great grandparent Win 3.1. Jeez I just woke up.. I need coffee.. -
  2. Quote: it could be the alcohol talking, but it really looks to me like this thread got really stupid really quick... let's move along or get back on topic please... :} Must be the alcohol. It usually makes everything stupid. Including you without noticing 8) No offense intended nor pun. My cranberry juice must be getting to me...
  3. Quote: Originally posted by SHS rapina you have have good point about mandrake but linux has very poor hadrware support not count the min other hardware deivce out there, I can even get it to mandrake8 been I have all usb mskeyboard, msmouse, intelwebcam then there my msjoystick & mswheel, my keyboard will not work even with bios set to usb keyboard from OS to bios the funny thing is BeOS works. Linux is a cool os. It has evolutioned a lot since I remember when I first downloaded at 14.4k 144 1.44 floppies of Slackware. But it still lacks ease. Even for a seasoned computer player/hacker it is tedious to have to dwell in command lind explicits, where even whatever gfx environment you pick to have from KDE, GNOME, E! or whatever else there is... For example, this is one of my linux Rigs: Dual Pentium III 1.0Ghz 1Gb Ram Soundblaster live Value Cheapo 52x CDROM Radeon 64Mb DDR VIVO Keyboard, Mouse, headphones 15 Inch Monitor 1 Gbit NIC Nautilus in the frigging GNOME engine runs like a turtle!!! it really sucks... but I use this rig to hold 4 Counter-Strike Servers for LANParty Tournaments, I have another one that holds 4 Q3A Servers, but is a Windows 2000 Server. Quote: That only hand full game at lokigames about the other millin games forget wine maybe win a 5ghz CPU roll out but not in tell then hehe. Loki Games is doing a great job, and I sincerely hope many more games comes out for Linux, but still it is not a preferred platform except for serving. I have played games in Wine, with one of the duals and it runs really fast Woooo like I can count frames on Starcraft.. come on be real people.. what you need is memory and 512Mb's can be bought at bzboyz.com for or less if you look around. Quote: Well DrLove you may have a good point there but I hate tell you this but Geforce2MX is cripple as well it an't funny I may well buy a ATI Radeon non cripple hardware at half the cost. As an ashamed owner of a Radeon 64MB DDR, I can tell you that it sucks. Maybe if ATI would stop thinking crap, they would get head-on drivers that made the ***** card work properly. GIANTS, freezesover, Tribes-2 freezes.. It's a pain. Though for Work it rules. I just yanked the Radeon to one of my Linux servers and put in my PC a GeForce 256 3D PRophet. The Nvidia Card rocks and plays all these games without a problem. I have been curious about the new chipset the Kyro II but I have not read much about it. Instead of going the ATI way I would sincerely get a Geforce 256 or a Geforce 2 GTS which play your games real cool without problems. I leave ATI to Mac.. they seem to get along.
  4. Quote: I have a Voodoo 5 5500 and playing games on Windows Xp is so crappy!!! When ever your playing a game in DX mode, cause glide and all the other opengl stuff doesnt work, all kinds of blue screens and shutdowns come up. It sux, they better fix the problem by rc2 at least. Thanx for screwing me over Nvidia. And Im not getting rid of my V5, just cause they are trying to force me to. Join the dark side of the force luke.. It will make you stronger than wheaties will... Look. I also liked DOS. I loved it.. Then windows 3.1 came.. I liked it a little bit more.. Then came Winbloat 95 and it's never stopping brothers, 98, 98se, Me (as in Merde). the only os's I love are Windows 2000 and Linux. Nvdia didn't buy 3DFX to immortalize it. It bought it to put it out of it's misery and to grab whatever cool tech was involved in Rampage to add it to the GF3. ASUS made it clear that they would include cheatcodes on their drivers for games like Q3A, Halflife, Counter-Strike, Etc. It took them 7 days to retract that statement and post fixes. Technology is like that.. I think if 3DFX make a lot of noise NVIDIA might wise up and give you poor souls an extra mile on your product with Windows XP or they could just keep on...
  5. Quote: I'd also like to add that NVidia purchased 3dfx. Therefore any REPUTABLE company would support the customers they just aquired. Its common business sense. Obviously NVIDIA is one crappy company. I hope Microsoft never lets them back in on DirectX9 development... then their current customers of their nvidia cards will ***** why their cards don't work right with DirectX9. You are so much full of it. NVDIA POWERS he X-BOX. You think Microsoft is going to argue with whom is making the X-Box what it is? Jeez.. you sure know nothing of corporate relationships. This is not the end of the company who brought (because ATI lives in their own Mac Planet), 3DFX to their knees... NVDIA will support DX9 in their cards. You can bet anything on that.
  6. Quote: I totally see now why Microsoft kicked NVidia out of their DirectX9 meetings. Because they didn't sign the NDA... I forgot to say that..
  7. Quote: All you people saying this is a good move, obviously don't own a 3dfx card so you are speaking out of your ***. If you want to kill off any potential customers from buying your product, then this is the perfect way to do it. Do they actually believe any current 3dfx owner is going to EVER buy an NVidia product now? Highly unlikely. They will just switch to NVidias competition, whoever it might be, even if the card is slower. I totally see now why Microsoft kicked NVidia out of their DirectX9 meetings. Let me open the hood off my doorstop pc... hmm what do I got here.. looky looky it's a Voodoo Rush... from Intense... who was made by Intergraph.. darn.. and I thought it was a trident all this time.. Seriously, what you say about 3DFX owners jumping to the competition even if it's slower is pathetic. I mean come on.. It's not a frigging religion it's just a video card.. get a grip man. As a former Voodoo owner I wanted to have the best card in the market. I realized that when 3DFX made their Voodoo 3 line still 16bit.. Morons.. Yeah so what if games were not ready yet.. I didn't want to wait till games were 32bit compatible to then buy a new card, that is when I dumped 3DFX and went NVIDIA.. I own as well a Radeon 64MB DDR. This card is powerfull but it doesn't run most games well. It's good if you are into Photoshop and some video stuff. I don't change my GeForce card for anything. I don't think that NVDIA will be out of DirectX 9, any closer than hell won't freeze over. NVDIA powers the X-Box, and I am sure X-BOX will be able to run on upgrades of Direct X, so we will see them ther esoon enough... NVDIA is the new power in 3D Graphics performance and that is why microsoft chose them. The reason NVDIA is out the DX9 Preview?? Publicity stunt... :>
  8. I have many many games on a box.. some I cannot play anymore.. what about great game classics like Ultima that were meant to play on DOS and Windows 3.1? Hey I can't play them anymore so what? I store them and keep em. People need to move on to new technologies and 3DFX is not the last of the worlds greatest technology. Still if 3DFX people want to hold on to their memories there is still linux, which like a the guy here just expressed it is getting even greater to play games in it because it is very fast. I guess I missed that one.. Linux is a very good and strong platform for playing games with outdated hardware.
  9. I think that NVDIA's action of not giving the source of the 3DFX drivers to MS is actually wise move on their part. Sure, they will cripple all the Voodoo 3/4/5 users who want to move on to Windows XP, but those users can get on the bandwagon with an inexpensive Geforce2MX at $99. Why would you carry on and on a dead horse, which is what Voodoo/3DFX became once they were bought. I own 3DFX products and the issue is not they were not a bad company. They were just like netscape... whom did a great job at the dawn of the web, but this is a dog-eat-dog world. And only the strong survive. What happened to Netscape is just what happened to 3DFX. So why tag a long the dead horse.. there is no need and like someone else said NVDIA is not winning anything out of 3DFX.. Also more along we have seen this behavior everytime Microsoft decides it's time for US the users to change OS. What happened years ago when people were still in Windows 3.1?? And MS decided that we needed to change an OS?? They bumped Windows 3.1 and in came Windows 95. This has been going on ever since we know it. So in the end my kudos go with NVDIA, if 3DFX Owners don't like it, then tough.. buy a new card or change to MAC. my .02 cents