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About rapina

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  1. my nvidia-pIII-Linux based rig is on a "desktop"...duh! so? is about having LOGIC dude... they stared flaming that it wont to thwart on a "Adams family" situation, lotsa people flamed that is extremely complex to make it work right, and for that matter I agree, even a win85 can get screw up with this "Adams family", yet a Linux box of the last year and mdk 8.0 is a big difference, at least for a bunch of people... consistency.... let have some consistency, if you're willing to PAY for winXP like all the posters here, why not pay for let say, RED HAT and the only thing you're purchasing is TECH support? TECH support, that is famous for been better than Microsoft tech support... how come that one person have a certain mentality with one product(w4r3z sux and all that) and with other (GPL! GNU! YEAH GIVE ME FREE WOW!) is all the opposite... consistency... and a little logic, just for fun
  2. bussines apps Office apps... every day use home PC... AAAAAAAAHHH!!! all i can do is scream!!!! im just asking more games for it!!! my gaming rig isn't in the Office!!!! IS NOT ABOUT replace Microsoft products per-se, RIGHT NOW! I have not even mention stuff like Star Office or stuff flike that! just games.. and for the rest of office apps.win 98SE makes a great job, who cares winXP? is not the topic about 3dfx??? ... please dont mix apples and oranges... using linux instead of windows in a Office ... I mean for data adquisistion or for a secretary is a no no! and there is no standar stuff but a godmmit monopoly.... like it or not
  3. quote Luke: is the dark side of the force more powerful? Yoda: No! no... easier, faster, seductive it is... ROTFL ------------------------------ 3rd party support for linux, comes fi there are more costumers for those "3rd party" companies I've said that to death here...
  4. thats why we should be using less M$ junk, and start using Linux, so it will rock as a desktop OS(it does but... oh, well), besides, Linux is inferior to freeBSD as a server crap, if u really knew about servers, u should be using freeBSD not Linux... (hint hint) and not feeding that little p*** called Bill Gates.. hum... as I desktop, just look at the cons (pros are huge to mention) 1.- not enough recording suites for guitar player like me, the ones that exist are too limited-ed 2.- winamp is better than xmms or freeamp 3.- lack of games (sigh) 4.- Netscape.. well, you know it, 6.- hardwere manufacturer support, if they knew we are using it... and if you aren't a PC gamer, or a lazy PC gamer, you may add a bunch more.
  5. ok ok ok ... I give up... I hate to death rethoric my first statement was quite simple: if u are a 3dfx user, a true gamer that enjoy tweaking your PC... u should install Linux, and step by step lernig how to improve it more and more, something kinda similar (very slightly) to the things u do in windows, but without the limitations it has... trouble is that there isn't as much games as it should be... been as fast and stable as it is right now... the reason, is in my previous post... Quote: You think a typical family would know how to compile something out of the box? -------------- see? isn't rethoric annoying? hehe, dude... that why I'm talking about mandrake not Slackware or whatever and a typical family wont feel the need for speed as gamer Kermy, I'm using Linux since February... and I was thinking EXACTLY the same way... the same words and everything, is just a matter of give it a shot. don't let people to wash ur brain, everybody speak their personal experience, far from been the average. and this is no brainier: download burn the iso read the readme's www.linuxnewbie.org install it. THEN make ur statement and I want to see you buy it WinXP once you have mandrake in a 3 or 4 gig partition in your hard dirve!! hehe mandrake 8.0 can be used for an experienced user in MS-DOS win95, any "family" that has a PC and not really use it much... can easy screw up a DOS install. hehhe and that happen quite often remmember the 3dfx vs nvidia flame wars? this is different, you can Install for free Linux and compare in your own gaming rig! but it was difficult to buy both products a rivaTNT and a Voodoo2 sli, and I remember that there was a lot of BS all over the place, all over, and you guys still trust people that trash something instead of trying for your self? come on! I use win98, I haven't seen the BSOD since a long time ago, and is rare, but check how it behaves KDE 2.1.1 or Blackbox for your self! a hint, if sombody tell u that Nautilos or Nautiless or what ever is slow, that just BS! Nautilos is just a app! not GNU/Linux it self! is something to avoid! personaly i dont use gnome related stuff, never liked, pure KDE loving here WindowsXP RC1 has Voodoo3,4,5 drivers just use the windows update icon! but in linux are UPDATED! but in linux are UPDATED!
  6. I agree, don't use wine... I thought that was my point... Nautilus? what's that? use this instead... create a file called .xinitrc in your home dir... write this xset +dpms exec blackbox thats what I meant in the first place! blackbox is faster and i dont have ximian installed at all? just the libs to run gnome apps (some) and good bye whatever app u where babbling! gnome sux, KDE 2.1.1 and up is waaaay lot better, but not fast... now Mr DrLove is talking about a workstation or something, I'm talking about games, xchat, e-mail and 3dfx- nvidia stuff... GAMES as a desktop... simple average joey stuff -------- quote companies don't actually make any money writing and releasing Linux software under GPL ------- well loki isn't gpl, and they do make money... not much i guess. so? the profit most come from apps, not the kernel... I'm not a pro FREE GRATIS ALL!!! WOW!! but ... if BeOS were better I am a BeOS Zealot , if Win98 were better thing, or mac os, or u name it... I'm its Zealot... why not promote something that is well, done, almost bug free and.. well nice! heck.. plain and simple! and there is ATA 100 support in the kernel, just compile and ur done... (2.4.5 and up) one last note: framebuffer + nvidia in linux = crash. get rid of it and use the latest drivers from nvidia WinXP most die is not a solution but the problem it self un ethical people shouldn't get rich that easy, and give us that type of junk... please open ur mind... only WE can make it grow... heck those howtos man pages and all those doc's IRC etc etc... are up to date in English and from my point of view, gamers that doesn't like Linux are gamers that doesn't like to read at all... at this point I think that all of us agree that M$ is extremely superior to the whole Linux apps community... we can make that change... for games.... not Maya stuff, not some esoteric corporate stuff but games, at least for that... come on... make a 3 gig partition for Linux! have seen? www.neverwinternights.com www.bioware.com read the faq u will find a nice surprise! (Nautilus... bleh....)
  7. http://www.zdnet.com/zdnn/stories/news/0,4586,2761566,00.html quote -------------------------------- Originally posted by sapiens26 I am an IMO, domain admin, and computer spe[censored]t, and I have trouble with Linux. Make my life a little more simple and I'll use it, so will many others. --------------------------------- Linux is plenty simple enough (for being a server). It's just not very good for desktop usage. -------------------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------------ and I am a guitar player!!!! i hardly know how to use this bbs! I hardly know to speak and write your language! BUT I have found out that reading the howtos, mans, asking at IRC, is the only way to make GNU/Linux fly! and learn lot of english hehe otherwise is lacking and boring stuff , even unstable! if u dont keep up to date stuf like KDE (I use BlackBox without gnome or kde taskbar most of the time, os it starts in less than a sec.)
  8. 1.- DONT USE WINE WITH HALF LIFE!!! ask valve for a port, if u want to play it or boot into winblows as a general rule, dont use wine for games at all! online games... 2.- impossible to be faster win2k in anyway... NO WAY! unless your GNU/linux setting are screw up somehow, u can make it crawl... support from companies will only comes with "costumers", if they saw more people using linux, they will release more stuff for it, hardware drivers, software... hey Lucas Arts ILM is switching their winblows boxes to linux! I saw it at zdnet... 3.- upgrade to mandrake 8.0 and dont forget to compile the kernel t suit your needs and excuse my poor english
  9. Linux has a bunch of emulators of all sorts, maybe u can try those games with wine and others... I been playing SNES stuff with OpenGL support (for get rid of pixelitation) we can make Linux grow... it is laking of games right now... just too few of them, that can and will change if there are more users, u 3dfx guys, give it a shot before trashing a fine product just because an stupid OS is broken and can't be fixed... my rig Linux Mandrake release 7.2 (Odyssey) for i586 Linux 2.4.4 | CPU: Pentium III (Katmai) @ 551.253 MHz | Res: 1024x768 pixels /w 24, bit gfx | Mem usage: 212.9 of 249.6 mb (85%) | Swap usage 0.0 of 188.2 mb (0%) | GeForce 2 GTS Monster Sound MX300 US robotics fax modem internal PCI and a awesome intellimouse USB... cant resist that one, they make great mouses not OS's quote "Still if 3DFX people want to hold on to their memories there is still Linux" Linux is the future, one purchase, eternal upgrades, Linux if for people that really want it make the most out if their rigs.... if there is people here that likes to overclock their CPU's, why waste a load of CPU cycles with that bloated kernel of winXP? in fact.. Linux keeps cold the CPU for 3 to 5 degrees Celsius! and one last thing , excuse my poor broken English
  10. There IS HOPE for 3dfx users!! just get rid of M$ crap of u PC's and isntall linux-mandrake 8.0, the 3dfx drivers are Open Source, and updated often.... FEAR NO MORE! now you may wonder... but not all my games runs in linux? if there were more users of linux, companies would make MORE software (games) for it... visit www.lokigames.com and take a look and please don't be soooo closed minded, and give hell to M$ why using unstalble expensive junk that slowdown your rig? made by an un-ethical dude, THERE IS NO SENSE! and one last thing.... the frame rate in linux is A LOT MORE higer than in windows (with 3dfx cards) with nvidias is the same or with the latest 4.1.0 XFree86, u can have 3 or 4 more frames per second than in any flavor of winblows. if you are a true gamer... if you think that framerate is everything for olnine gaming if you want to control your PC and not been controled by an OS.... download linux-mandrake!!! or buy it... if you do, you will resive tech support unlike... well you know M$ right? thats the only difference between the download and the purchased version... tech support and get ready to feel the speed of linux!!!!!! WOW!!!