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About fpompert

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  1. fpompert

    Can't install RC1!

    Hm the burn is valid too...I think my DVD-ROM drive is too crappy for windows XP (bad ACPI, bad DMA support i don't know
  2. fpompert

    Can't install RC1!

    I CRC-checked the ISO, and that ISO was valid according to CRC.exe, or do you mean that i have to check the CD-ROM? I also used Isobuster to unpack the ISO on Harddisk, but that gave the same problem
  3. fpompert

    Can't install RC1!

    I had to remove the DVD-ROM player, then it worked?? Wow I hope MS solves this random problem soon!
  4. fpompert

    Can't install RC1!

    I have exactly the same problem, but the screen is entirely black on my PC, no cursor. This happens after the keyboard lights flashed and the HDD stopped responding. I exchanged the graphics card, and all other add-on cards, memory, etc. No effect