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Everything posted by Atreyu

  1. Atreyu

    Computer Case Recommendation

    Well lessee... 1.24 gigs PC3200 (DDR400) Crucial RAM Pentium 4 2.4GHZ (800MHZ) AOPEN AX4SG-N A-Bit GeForce 4 Ti 4200 80 GB WD 7200/8mb cache Good ole Sound Blaster Live! Platinum Plextor 40/12/40 And one kickbutt Wal-Mart floppy
  2. Atreyu

    Computer Case Recommendation

    I found a beige version, but it doesn't come with a power supply. I figured by the time I bought it, and a power supply I'd pay more than for the same thing (in black) on newegg. I got the black one with the 400W Antec supply for $80.
  3. Atreyu

    Computer Case Recommendation

    ok i bought it. thanks for y'alls help
  4. Atreyu

    Computer Case Recommendation

    The SX1040BII looks friggin sweet. I just about bought it but then i realized, I have all beige colored components (cd roms/floppy). Does this sucker come in beige? It sounds like this case is exactly what i'm looking for, but i don't want to look goofy with different colored components. Maybe it's not a big deal if i use the door..
  5. Atreyu

    Computer Case Recommendation

    Thanks guys I'll take a look. Any others?
  6. Using VB.NET... I created a program that randomly generates usernames. Now I need it to search the Active Directory to ensure the username does not already exist. How would I search my Active Directory to return a matching username? Also, how would I query Active Directory to return a listing of all usernames? This was easy in VB6... but doesn't seem to be as straight-forward now. Thanks in advance.
  7. Atreyu

    VB.NET Return Active Directory UserNames

    No problem. Here's what I found to work. It returns the user's name, their path, and also their alias (or username). Code: Dim enTry As DirectoryEntry = New DirectoryEntry("LDAP://mydomain") ''Console.Write(enTry.Username) Dim mySearcher As DirectorySearcher = New DirectorySearcher(enTry) mySearcher.Filter = "(objectClass=User)" Dim resEnt As SearchResult For Each resEnt In mySearcher.FindAll() Console.WriteLine(resEnt.GetDirectoryEntry().Name.ToString()) Console.WriteLine(resEnt.GetDirectoryEntry().Properties("sAMAccountName").Value.ToString()) Console.WriteLine(resEnt.GetDirectoryEntry().Path.ToString()) Console.WriteLine(resEnt.GetDirectoryEntry().NativeGuid.ToString()) Console.WriteLine("===========================================") Next
  8. Atreyu

    VB.NET Return Active Directory UserNames

    It shouldn't matter, but yes... it's on a couple servers (mixed with 2k). Either way, I figured it out. I'll post the code when I get off of work.
  9. Atreyu

    18 U.S.C. 1030.

    http://www.usdoj.gov/criminal/cybercrime/1030_new.html I was wondering how this could apply to the RIAA and their antics as of late. I've never used Kazaa and I'm not into file tradin' for many reasons, but I am interested in the legal aspect of the issue and became curious when I saw this resolution. Whady'all think?
  10. Atreyu

    Online merchants

    Just a heads up --- do not order from http://www.micropro.com. They have no idea where my speakers are and their "customer service" is about equal in quality to that of Verizon's (worst possible). They are the epitome of idiocy and I will find as many places as possible to curse their name. Ahhh yes... I feel somewhat better now. Since we're at it, why don't we start a thread where we can praise or curse online merchants. I'd like to see what experiences y'all have had. I've got a long list of merchants that I wish would fall from the face of this earth... I'll list them when I get home from work
  11. Atreyu

    Good with graphics?

    I'm wundrin' if somebody on here could whip up a graphic for me. I have a personal web site that's used by a bunch of my buddies and me and I suck at making graphics. If anybody would be willing to help out, send me an email. atreyu79@gmx.net. Thanks..
  12. Atreyu

    Good with graphics?

    Thanks Mr. Guvernment, I will check it out! Christianb, if you are not an artist and won't be making a graphic for me please don't waste your time writing a message saying such. It helps nobody out and wastes everybody's time. Additionally, last I checked, making copies of software for personal gain was illegal and discussing such is not permitted on this forum.
  13. Greetings all... I'm trying to promote a Windows Server 2003 server to become an Active Directory controller on an existing Windows 2000 network. The process works for a little while, then begins giving me error messages similar to those Exchange 2000 gives when working with AD. I'm required to do Forestpreps and Domainpreps etc, but even those aren't working for me. The network has 3 domain controllers, all Windows 2000, and all are Global Catalogs. I've checked MSDN and Technet and havn't found much that is helping. If anybody has any pointers, or step-by-steps that would be great.
  14. I just realized, the title for this thread is all wrong. What I was trying to do all along is promote a W2K3 AD server on an existing W2K AD, not W2K3.
  15. Ok I figured out what it was... before I was having problems with both forestprep and domainprep, then after some research I discovered that these utilities can only be run against the AD controller designated as the schema master. When I originally was loading Server 2003, I was reloading a machine that was previously designated the schema master, and was drying to run adprep on the other domain controllers without any luck. So, I tried loading a separate machine with 2k3, leaving my schema master in place. I ran adprep on the schema master, let it propagate, and I was good to go. Thanks for all your help.
  16. Ok here's what I'm getting. It's pretty straightforward, but I remember trying to run thee tools to no avail. Anyways.. The Operation failed because: The Active Directory Installation Wizard cannot continue because the forest is not prepared for installing Windows Server 2003. Use the Adprep command-line tool to prepare both the forest and the domain. For more information about using ADprep, see Active Directory Help. "The version of the Active Directory schema of the source forest is not compatible with the version of Active Directory on this computer." Between this message and the message from DS3, maybe I can figure it out. I coulda sworn I did all that before though. I'll let y'all know how it goes.
  17. Atreyu

    IIS and anonymous login

    In addition to the appropriate NTFS permissions being granted to the anonymous account on the files in question, the anonymous account must have log-on locally privileges, set in the local group policy snap-in. On domain controllers this privilege is not granted to the IUSR account.
  18. No problem... IIS can do a lot of what all those other FTP servers can do, however it integrates closely with Windows security and administration, so the lines are kinda blurred. Many of the options people like to use with Serv-U and Bulletproof are taken care of by use of Quotas, Policies, and NTFS... all administrative pieces of Windows and not IIS's FTP, though in the end they work together.
  19. Actually, IIS does support resuming both uploads and downloads. The user simply needs the ability to append files granted through NTFS permissions on the FTP server.
  20. I did it usinc DCPROMO. I'll have to give it another shot and capture the error messages so it may be a day or so until I can post a reply. Thanks..
  21. No... promotion never completes.
  22. Atreyu


    First off, I'm sorry all those astronauts died. It's a sad thing. However, last week, a helicopter crashed in Afghanistan killing 4 soldiers. Another crash occurred on the 24th, killing another 4 soldiers. http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/asiapcf/central/01/30/helicopter.crash/index.html http://www.cnn.com/2003/US/Southwest/01/24/helicopters.crash.ap/index.html I guess I'm wondering what separates these astronauts from the rest of the fallen. I'm certainly thankful for their services to our nation, as I am the soldiers who have died in combat and training. But good lord, they were traveling into space and back, so why is it such a great surprise that while traveling at 3 times the speed of sound during re-entry the shuttle caught fire and fell apart? I honor the fallen astronauts as well as every other person who has served our great nation at the cost of their lives.
  23. Atreyu


    My point has been again illustrated this week. 21 people died in an incident at a Chicago night club this past weekend. 3 days later, it's no longer a headline... yet the Columbia accident investigation still grabs front page. This is what annoys me.
  24. Atreyu


    Yeah, and get this.... the space shuttle broke apart over Palestine, Texas... killing an Israeli. Kinda ironic doncha think? The middle east, being characteristically superstitious, are considering this a "sign" for things to come. Of course I don't buy into any of that... but it's still amusing. Oh and as for the speed of re-entry, you're right.... Mach 12 is tons faster than Mach 3. For some reason I was thinking they were only going Mach 3 but that wouldn't make any sense, since our fighter jets can go faster than that without catching fire in much denser air. Basically, multiply my earlier number by 4 and you should end up with roughly Mach 12. ( My number was Mach 3 in 56% humidity and 86 degrees F).
  25. Atreyu


    I'm not arguing that it's a tremendous loss... it most certainly is. But putting it into perspective, when a bus flips over and kills 9 people... it makes the headlines for one day, maybe. Nobody talks about it. Are the families of those victims any more fortunate that their deceased relatives were not astronauts? The risk of dying while riding on a bus is far less than re-entering the Earth's atmosphere at 2400 mph, and should therefore be regarded as more tragic.... in my opinion. Again, my condolences go to all those affected by Saturday's accident. I just ask that the public not forget to put the event into perspective.