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Everything posted by Atreyu

  1. Atreyu

    Online merchants

    Well, I purchased an Abit Siluro GeForce4 Ti4200 AGP 4X 64MB DDR Video Card w/TV-Out & DVI Retail last night from http://www.googlegear.com for $116 (shipping was $0.50). So far the transaction has gone smoothly and I expect to get the card either next Tuesday or Thursday (damn holiday!) I'll let you know how it goes.
  2. Atreyu

    Condo for Rent

    Anybody from the Bloomington/Normal area looking for a place to rent? I know there are a couple peops on NTComp from the area. Long shot, I know... Here's the info: 2 BR 1.5 Baths Fireplace New Carpet/Paint Carport Balcony Washer and Dryer Secured Building Pool DSL 1200 SQ FT. $710/ mo $
  3. Atreyu

    Condo for Rent

    Wow, that was a poorly written sentence by me. Oh well. Sounds like there are no takers. I have ads going into the newspaper's n' stuff so I should be OK.
  4. Atreyu

    Condo for Rent

    lol.. "condor" funny... Yeah cost of living here is cheap. I have a friend who lives in Chicago who lives in something almost half the size for $1200/mo.
  5. Atreyu

    TV Guy

    TV repair guy is here. Just thought everybody should know.
  6. Atreyu

    TV Guy

    lol... turns out he has to order a part. one of my audio inputs was fubarred cuz i blew it out (but of course I didn't tell him that). fortunately it's under warranty. he'll be back in a week to install the part once it arrives. it was kinda odd, he really really liked my cat.
  7. Atreyu

    Online merchants

    I'm thinking maybe we can un-sticky this message now. Nobody has posted in it for quite some time. Up to y'all.
  8. Atreyu

    FPS: Best Single Player Campaign?

    half life
  9. Atreyu

    Does the front page bother anyone else?

    It bothered me as well... but now I see Philipp has changed it to be far more readable, and just like NTCompatible (or vice versa...). Looks much better now, and easier to deal with. Good work.
  10. Atreyu

    NTCompatible Pop Ups

    I know everybody likes to make money, but I must say... the NTCompatible pop-ups are getting pretty darn annoying. It was nice to be able to come here and get what I need, and offer help to others, withoug corporate America plastered all over my desktop. Seems anymore you can't visit a site anywhere without seeing that damned miniature camera or information on some exotic vacation... I never thought it would infest NTCompatible. Aside from that, this is still a great forum and place for NT-related information. Also, while it's a change, I dig the new layout. I can see how you are trying to make LinuxCompatible.org and NTCompatible.com look and feel very similar. Oh well... I guess if it were me, I'd prolly throw pop-ups in there to make the extra $$$, so I can't complain too much.
  11. Atreyu

    NTCompatible Pop Ups

    Yeah, I use ad-blocking software occasionally too... it's getting to that point where if you don't use it you're doomed. The only problem with those are that if you click on a link that opens a new window, it blocks those new windows too, even though you may actually want to see them. My solution would be to ban pup up advertising, PERIOD. If you are using Nutscrape (Netscape), you can turn off javascript which disables most pop-ups... I don't think you can do that with IE.
  12. Atreyu

    Online merchants

    Not sure if they sell computer stuff, but I bought something from http://www.wildwestelectronics.net/ and they rocked. No problems at all and the goods were here pronto. Highly recommended.
  13. Ya know what I need..? I would love to see a document somewhere that makes certain comparisons between the two OSs. Here's what I mean: In Windows you have a Registry, is there an equivalent in Linux? In Windows you have .INI files, is there an equivalent in Linux? In Windows you have profiles, what is the equivalent in Linux? In Windows you can map drives, how is this done in Linux? In Windows you have DLLs, is there an equivalent in Linux? There are plenty more, but that's the idea. Basically I would like to see a document that takes common tasks and items well known in Windows and lists their equivalent (or comparable) technology in Linux.
  14. Atreyu

    NET USE Return Code?

    I've written a VB app that occasionally maps drives. Anybody know of a way to capture the failure of executing the NET USE command so that I may present an error message to the end user? It's possible that mapping the drive will fail, as when the drive is mapped the user is prompted for their domain password. I understand one may also map drives in VB by using an API call, but I'd rather stick with NET USE. Any suggestions are appreciated. This app is written in VB 6.0 SP 4.
  15. Atreyu

    NET USE Return Code?

    I went ahead and used an API call to do it. Pretty straightforward: ------------------------------- Created these functions: --------------------------------- Declare Function WNetAddConnection2 Lib "mpr.dll" Alias _ "WNetAddConnection2A" (lpNetResource As NETRESOURCE, _ ByVal lpPassword As String, ByVal lpUserName As String, _ ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long Declare Function WNetCancelConnection2 Lib "mpr.dll" Alias _ "WNetCancelConnection2A" (ByVal lpName As String, _ ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal fForce As Long) As Long Type NETRESOURCE dwScope As Long dwType As Long dwDisplayType As Long dwUsage As Long lpLocalName As String lpRemoteName As String lpComment As String lpProvider As String End Type Public Const NO_ERROR = 0 Public Const CONNECT_UPDATE_PROFILE = &H1 ' The following includes all the constants defined for NETRESOURCE, ' not just the ones used in this example. Public Const RESOURCETYPE_DISK = &H1 Public Const RESOURCETYPE_PRINT = &H2 Public Const RESOURCETYPE_ANY = &H0 Public Const RESOURCE_CONNECTED = &H1 Public Const RESOURCE_REMEMBERED = &H3 Public Const RESOURCE_GLOBALNET = &H2 Public Const RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_DOMAIN = &H1 Public Const RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_GENERIC = &H0 Public Const RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SERVER = &H2 Public Const RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SHARE = &H3 Public Const RESOURCEUSAGE_CONNECTABLE = &H1 Public Const RESOURCEUSAGE_CONTAINER = &H2 ' Error Constants: Public Const ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED = 5& Public Const ERROR_ALREADY_ASSIGNED = 85& Public Const ERROR_BAD_DEV_TYPE = 66& Public Const ERROR_BAD_DEVICE = 1200& Public Const ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME = 67& Public Const ERROR_BAD_PROFILE = 1206& Public Const ERROR_BAD_PROVIDER = 1204& Public Const ERROR_BUSY = 170& Public Const ERROR_CANCELLED = 1223& Public Const ERROR_CANNOT_OPEN_PROFILE = 1205& Public Const ERROR_DEVICE_ALREADY_REMEMBERED = 1202& Public Const ERROR_EXTENDED_ERROR = 1208& Public Const ERROR_INVALID_PASSWORD = 86& Public Const ERROR_NO_NET_OR_BAD_PATH = 1203& -------------------------- Then I used them here: -------------------------- Public Sub mapdrives(system As String, MyPass As String) 'On Error GoTo errorhandler MyUserNoDomain = Environ("USERNAME") NetR.dwScope = RESOURCE_GLOBALNET NetR.dwType = RESOURCETYPE_DISK NetR.dwDisplayType = RESOURCEDISPLAYTYPE_SHARE NetR.dwUsage = RESOURCEUSAGE_CONNECTABLE If system = "dev" Then Call dev End If If system = "simprod" Then Call simprod End If MyUser = Domain & "\" & MyUserNoDomain ErrInfo = WNetAddConnection2(NetR, Trim(MyPass), Trim(MyUser), _ CONNECT_UPDATE_PROFILE) End Sub Private Sub dev() Domain = "xxxx" NetR.lpLocalName = "r:" NetR.lpRemoteName = "\\xxxx\xxxx" End Sub Private Sub simprod() Domain = "xxxx" NetR.lpLocalName = "t:" NetR.lpRemoteName = "\\xxxx\xxxx" End Sub This maps the drives with the API and returns success or failure codes without the need for another file or any command executions. It's a little more freaky to look at, but it works well. Thanks for all your help.
  16. Atreyu

    NET USE Return Code?

    I guess the problem now is... how to I send that errorlevel back to my VB app. I'd like to take care of the IF/THEN logic back in my code.
  17. Atreyu

    NET USE Return Code?

    thanks y'all. this sounds pretty darn good. i'll give it a try and let you know if it worked.
  18. Atreyu

    Online merchants

    Jerry... consider yourself one of the lucky ones. Glad it worked out for you.
  19. In an app I'm writing, I'm using the NET USE command with domain specific login credentials to map drives to shares on a couple DEV servers at work. Is there a way to send the password accross the network with encryption rather than clear text when using the command-line to map network drives?
  20. Atreyu

    Clear text password in NET USE command

    Thanks Davros, I'll check this out. I went ahead and ran a sniffer check out if the password was sent in clear text, and it wasn't. Looks like I'm good to go anyways.
  21. What an excellent way to describe yourself, "technology neutral"! I would definately consider myself the same. This is why I'm trying to learn Linux. Thanks for your information, as that helps to give me a good start. Another similar question that popped into mind... in Windows you have "batch" files. What's the Linux equivalent? I'll be coming back with very basic newbie questions like this often, cuz I am just that... a newbie :-).
  22. Atreyu

    Pentium 4 2.8GHZ

    I'm wondering if maybe we could get a review of this bad boy on the main page...?
  23. Atreyu

    MSN Messenger Client

    Well, I figured it all out. The only problem now is that I can't figure out how to put it in the "start" menu.
  24. Atreyu

    MSN Messenger Client

    I am a newbie... almost completely. I would like to try out this GAIM, but am not sure what to download or how to compile... or basically how to get it to install and work. It's so wierd not knowing how to do the simple things. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  25. Atreyu

    First Post

    Had to get a first post in here somewhere!!! I currently have Red Hat 7.3 installed on a test box of mine and hope to dig deep into it soon. I want to learn! Nice to see Linux Compatible. I'll be here often.