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Gemfire James

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Everything posted by Gemfire James

  1. Gemfire James

    Problem with the start menu... :(

    and he never replies again.... spooky, haha
  2. Gemfire James

    Isn't this Jdulmage's proggy?

    nah, the main programmer of Windows Lite quit making it, he was a pot head anyways
  3. Gemfire James

    Maxtor 100GB Hard Drives, really worth it?

    Just asking for opinions here, but why oh why is Maxtor making these huge *** IDE hard drives? I've seen things like 40, 60, 80, 100 GB hard drives, in my opinion, it's a waste of time to even get a drive that big considering the most that goes on those things is your OS, and a few applications, the rest is on CD. What do you guys think?
  4. Gemfire James

    Maxtor 100GB Hard Drives, really worth it?

    yep, only drives i've ever used are maxtors, I still have a very old 100 MB drive that has been around for 7 years and still runs, so i don't think maxtor's drives are failing "a lot" lately. Your just having bad luck.
  5. Gemfire James

    Netscape version 6 and 6.1 does not Install under windows XP

    run along little dun-dun =/
  6. Gemfire James

    how to enble more downloads at once from http

    I thought it was on there so servers wouldn't get hammered? I thought it was a server configuration, not a browser configuration.
  7. Gemfire James

    NTFS version question

    Partition Magic Pro 6.01 works fine with what you need to do.
  8. Gemfire James

    QuickTime on WinXP...

    and your telling us that...because??? It still configures the same way win2k does, so that excuse isn't even valid, but ok, do what you want.
  9. Gemfire James

    WinXP locks with GeForce GTS 7700

    perhaps just using the offical ones on Nvidia's site for win2k would be your best bet for now.
  10. Gemfire James

    QuickTime on WinXP...

    you bother to run any other movie files in WMP or something just to see that it could be the drivers or something instead and not QuickTime if it's not QuickTime, and it happens in WMP, it's the drivers, just get the win2k versions off of your manufacturer's site for both audio and video
  11. Gemfire James

    I just some bad news about 3dfx and WindowsXP

    no doubt, just use or agree with whatever you believe, no reason to argue about it to get others to join you in the war.
  12. Gemfire James

    GeForce 3 V8200 Deluxe

    could be the beta DirectX 8.1 too, or the fact that using Win2k drivers on XP is a problem (since they're two different OS's)
  13. Gemfire James

    GeForce 3 V8200 Deluxe

    could be the beta DirectX 8.1 too, or the fact that using Win2k drivers on XP is a problem (since there two different OS's)