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About goathead42

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  1. goathead42

    WinXP RC1 Activation Problems, 1st Hand XPerience

    I forgot to see how much it took before Apps. I have alot of applications including XP Office, etc.....at this point....the windows dir is 1.16G.....yow! If I wasnt so lazy...I would run over and compare that to some of the other workstations. BUT.....downloaded and installed the morning it came out....no lockups, BSOD, demons or anything else....can't complain...even if its taking alot of space.
  2. goathead42

    WinXP RC1 Activation Problems, 1st Hand XPerience

    I have yet to get XP RC1 to ask me to reactivate, or any other inconvience. I have swapped video and sound, added and removed a scsi controller. My only hangup was the silly par port camera, which works, but is not setup correctly according to XP's device manager. Now Im curious...I have the time to deal with Microsoft to get the activation sorted out if I mess it up....but I cant seem to get it upset enough despite multiple hardware changes. I have almost identical machines side by side running XP and 2000, and XP is by far the least troublesome.....I must have the luck of the irish or something....XP is kicking 2000 Pro's tail in ease of use around here.
  3. goathead42

    XP and Par Port WeeCam

    Just installed XP RC-1 on my workstation without a hitch. When I hooked up my Alaris Weecam to the printer port (and of course the keyboard connection) it shows up in device manager, but says it needs drivers. It is properly identified. I tried the NT/2000 and the 95/98 drivers, and told XP to use unsigned drivers, all to no avail. Anyone get their Par Port cam to work with XP yet? I also could not install it using the scanner/camera wizard.