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About pkiff

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  1. pkiff

    Cd-rom error

    Hey guys! Once again, I need help. I need to find out how to fix my cd-rom drive. I am receiving the error "This device is not working properly because Windows cannot load the drivers required for this device. (Code 31)" If anyone could help me with this I would greatly appreciate it.
  2. Oh and bye the way JP, "yet to find a game not running on win2k/kp" huh? Well, I suggest you try The Neverhood. I would pay if you could get it to work on win2k! Lord knows I can't...
  3. Ok, I did it all, (I'm running on win2k) and now im getting "a privileged instruction was executed at address 004dd5b4" and then the app terminates. Any bright ideas?
  4. How come no one else has this game? I love his game, but I can't get it to work under win2k. If anyone has any information or another site I could go to, to try and fix this problem I would much appreciate it. Thanks Pkiff
  5. pkiff

    rise of nations

    It is true that I am using the bare minimum for two of the requirements, but even the bare minimums should still allow the game to run! Anyways, Microsoft Support, in all its great wisdom, pinned the problem on the missing 1 megahert. I can't believe it. Well, I guess its all up to you guys to try and fix the problem. I really shouldn't be that surprised though, this isn't the first time this has happened. (and the last time you guys pulled through ) Well I tried turning all the settings to low and that didn't help. But, thanks anyways. I will try and dink around and see what helps. Ill keep you posted. Pkiff
  6. pkiff

    rise of nations

    The patch didn't work. Thanks anyways though. I have already upgraded all my drivers with the exception of BIOS and motherboard. After trying these things I will post back.
  7. pkiff

    rise of nations

    In addition to the specs listed above i also have a 32 meg Nvidia TNT2 video card. Ihad always wondered what the magical degauss button did. I knew it had to do with magnents but i wasn't sure what. Thanks a bunch! pkiff
  8. pkiff

    rise of nations

    GRRR!!! I have been having a really, really, REALLY, bad time with this game! Whenever I try to play the Conquer the World Campaign it acts like it will be fine it loads bt as soo as i try to take ove a county the game quits and says "Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library Runtime Error! Program: ...rogram Files\Microsoft Games\Rise of Nations\nations.exe abnormal program termination" Frist off, what the heck does that mean, second do any of you know how I can fix it? I been trying all day! And third but not least, what does the degauss button do/mean and why does it look so cool when i push it? Well if you can answer any/all of these questions I would be very very apreciative. Anywho its 11:00 o'clock and i have finals next week so i gotta go! Regards, Pkiff
  9. pkiff

    Win2k network

    I can't get my network connection to work for my 2 win 2k machines. I have a direct crossover connection between the two machines, both have the win2k operating system and the connnection worked previously before i got a new computer. If you need more info drop a post. Any feedback will be helpful. Thanks, pkiff
  10. pkiff

    network connection for win2k

    It is a crossover cable. However, I dont know the IP addresses of the computers. I also have a DSL connection thaat i would like to get working. Thanks guys, Pkiff
  11. pkiff

    Monitor is VERY dark

    WOHOOOO! Yeah! thanks pmistry! you are the greatest! i knew some one would do some investigation work and discover what video card i had. (I cant make stuff too easy for you ) But really thanks, for not just rambling on about a new monitor I knew there was a better solution just kidding guys
  12. Hey guys, I can do software but hardware? i think not. My monitor is very dark. I have tried everything to make it lighter but i cant. any suggstions? thanks, pkiff
  13. pkiff

    Slooooooooooooow win2k

    I had that same problem with my last machine. Does it run slow on start up? If so, does it ever crash on start up? pkiff
  14. I can't get my network connection to work for my 2 win 2k machines. I have a direct connection between the two machines, both have the win2k operating system and the connnection worked previously before i got a new computer. If you need more info drop a post. Thanks any feedback will be helpful, pkiff ;(
  15. pkiff

    Problems with Warcraft 3

    I'll have to apologize for my last post. I'm very sorry if it doesn't make sense but i havent slept since monday and it made since to me. bite me. thanks for all your wonderful help pkiff