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Everything posted by Elin

  1. I just installed Windows XP Home Edition and try to play Quake2 Rocket Arena 2 (RA2) like normal when I played before (like in WinXP RC1, RC2, Windows 2kSP2), etc... The problem that I have is the mouse sensitivity issue in the game ..It's totally different from before..So I fine Tune it again but still doesn't work...What I mean "DOESN'T WORK" is when I try to turn my mouse, it has few secs delay and I can't make the right shot..This never happen in any of the OS before (Even in WinXP RC1 or RC2)....I really like this game and I really want to play it ..Anyone have any sugguestion why there's such a changes or something that i can do to restore back??
  2. Elin

    Detonator 3 14.61 seems to fix the problem with TNT2

    6.18, 6.50, 14.61, 21.81 works perfectly for me in WinXP Pro system..No BSOD for both Desktop and Games.
  3. Elin

    Exit quake3: freeze

    No freezes at all and works like a charm with WinXP Pro verison with my Humble Diamond TNT2 Ultra..(use Det 6.5 driver)
  4. Elin

    Quake 3 Frezzing!!

    NO Problem here with WinXP Pro (Devilownz, Clean install).. Work like a charm with my TNT2 (Det 6.5 Driver)... Probably you can try 6.5 since 21.81 is speically design for GF3/GF2, no performance gain at all for TNT2 user... Maybe that's the reason why Q3 freezes..
  5. Quote: installed 2520 build of xp and working fine again.. thank god. Why installed the BETA back? LOL No Point for doing that for just playing games...I am not a serious gamers so there's no big deal for me not playing the games....
  6. Elin

    WinFax Pro 10

    umm...Why use Winfax pro 10.0 if WinXP have build-in Fax function?
  7. Elin

    Disk Keeper 6

    Quote: 7 isnt out, well according to Executive Softwares page it isnt. 6 SE works fine with XP. You are right...ACcording to Executive homepage , V7.0 isn't out but According to what I am using now, V 7.0.393.0 is oUT! (I am using now)..
  8. I still see there's no solution for this mouse lag issues...Delete the registry is kinda stupid since it doesn't work at all... I just install back WinME and play it...but 98% of the time I will stick with WinXP
  9. Elin

    Best Defragger for WIN XP ???

    Quote: Diskeeper 7 works flawlessly in XP Diskeeper 7.0?? When it releases? I just go to Diskkeeper websites and i can't see the link for the prodcuts that you described Actually, using the build-in defragger is good enough, since it's the same Engine as Diskkeeper V6.0.
  10. Elin

    Nero and Multiple Users

    Quote: I Am also usin nero with Windows XP 2600 without any problems Same here..No Problem at all by using Nero 5.5.40 with WinXP
  11. Anyone can answer my questions? or NO one know how to answer it???
  12. Elin

    Detonator 3 14.61 seems to fix the problem with TNT2

    I just tried to install 14.61 drivers on my TNT2U (Diamond V770) and it just works fine with WinXP RTM HOME EDITION..No BSOD or Stuck during the normal activity... Did anyone know how to fix the Power Option for Monitor? I just set my monitor turn it off after 2 minutes if there's no mouse movemnt. When i used the most orginial driver (v6.5) the monitor goes off and the orange light (my Monitor Acer 56C) will blink...it simply means the monitor really goes off..However any version other than 6.5 will turn my monitor off too but the orange light will turn SOLID orange ..which means the monitor doesn't turn it off all..
  13. Elin

    Detonator 3 14.61 seems to fix the problem with TNT2

    Thanks for the INFO..I think I will try it in RTM build of XP ...
  14. Elin

    NVidia Detonator Driver Discussion

    EddiE, Did you know if 8.04 will work for TNT2 Ultra (Diamond V770U)..I tried different drivers(6.5, 12.41 NON-WHQL, 14.10) but any drivers higher than 6x series will cause some random lockup (Win2k SP2)..Any suggestion for the driver that I can use for both Performance/Quality?
  15. Elin

    Massive CD-burning problems with XP...

    Nero WOrks like a Charm with my WinXP RC1....I already burn over 100+ CDS in it and never get any COASTERS with my Plextor. Here is my spec: P3 800 o/c 1000Mhz 384MB CAS2 RAM Abit BE6II Mobo (No Raid) Diamond TNT2U with 7.58 Driver SBLIVE Value Sound Card Acer 8x4x32x CDRW Plextor 12x10x32A CDRW (ATAPI)
  16. Elin

    NVidia Detonator Driver Discussion

    I don't know what you Vid Card that you guys using but I am using TNT2 Ultra and the only WORKING version of Detonator Driver for my box is 6.5..12.41 definitely give my machine a big crash and a BSOD on the nv4_disp.dll Error..I don't really know why but it's pretty suck about it..
  17. Elin

    3rd party Firewall for XP?

    Quote: I use Norton Internet Security 2001 (without the XP incompatible Norton Antivirus ) and everything work fine I used the latest version and it always gives me Bluescreen when I try to open Zonelab and play games by the same time..My friends Introduces me a new **FREE** firewall program and it's pretty good... I just tested it on RC1 and it runs flawlessly h**P://www.tinysoftware.com ENJOY
  18. Elin

    Nero 5.5 & RC1

    No Problem at all by using Nero with RC1... I just did the normal install..No Compatible mode or anything like that.