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About dhopton

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  1. dhopton

    WinXP RC1 Activation Problems, 1st Hand XPerience

    I spent all day and all night moving hardware & drivers in and out of my machine, and i've never been prompted for re-activation. There is a bug. Bug it Windowsbeta is the place to go - sign up for a guest account, and then you can submit bugs and also get feeback on them. I suggest you provide as much detail as possible - software you've got installed and other things. As for cracks - There are (that I have seen) no cracks that dont bring in old code from pervious builds, which IMHO is bad move, esp with RTM. The one crack that claims to to do it with out this doesnt work. I know this because i tried it. Go, bug it so it works properly. Thanks, dhopton edit: If you want to know about the changes that have gone on in the kernel of WinXP, I suggest you go and hunt out the document. I cant remember where i saw it, but it is out there. There are some very significant changes in the kernel. I also suggest that in the future the things that you need for games wont be available else where. But then again WinXP is not going to be "must have" upgrade - certainly not for the Win2k user. For the Win98 user it makes a world of differance. They have a proper o/s at last. All we need to worry about is shoddy driver writters.