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Everything posted by chucken

  1. chucken

    Wheel of Time problems...

    by a coinsidence I installed and played this game just a couple of minutes ago and it worked fine. Have Atholn 800/Geforce DDR with Detonator 21.81 and I didn't need any update patch or compatible mode to run. The sound got buggy in resolutions above 640*480 though, but that's another story
  2. chucken

    unstable media player ?

    Sometimes the media player in RC1 wont play a specific avi or mpeg file, even if it could play it before. If I log off and on again it works fine again. Is this a bug in the media player or has anyone else seen this ? Seems a little unstable to me.
  3. chucken

    XP Firewall for Dummies?

    well, icq works fine with the built in firewall but I can't send nor recieve files, "a direct connection could not be established". Hope you all understood that. SO, the usual thing to do is to open up the firewall for icq file transfer and the question is how ? As I'm writing this I just remembered that www.icq.com has a guide how to open up the firewall for file transfers, which ports to open etc. So, NaughtyNu check out http://www.icq.com/icqtour/firewall/netadmin.html on how to open up the built-in firewall. Personally I don't like all those "simple" firewalls like tiny or zone alarm even if they are good. I don't feel I have total control over those plus zone alarm stopped my internet from working after a while though I'd done nothing wrong. But as I said, that's my personal opinion so don't listen to me.
  4. chucken

    No login window ?

    This is probably a stupid question but anyway.. I installed WinXP RC1 on a computer at work and it worked just fine but when I install it at home it does not look quite the same. For instance, I dont get the standard NT/2000 login window when I start up the system, instead I get a welcome picture and then my account (administrator) is automatically logged in. Also, when I press ctrl-alt-del I get to the Task Manager directly and not the usual window. The two installations are indentical with the difference that the first computer is connected to a domain, but this doesnt matter in Win2k so why should it here ?
  5. chucken

    unstable media player ?

    I think I might have found whats causing the trouble with my media player. Sometimes when I have run applications or games (like counterstrike), the task manager still shows active processes of these programs taking up a lot of memory even if they have been properly closed. This causes the media player to stall and to get going again when these processes are killed. Probably the system memory is running low and a movie cant be played (even if I have 256M RAM) Can anyone else verify this ? Seems like a rather serious bug to me. When a game or application is closed it should really be closed and nothing else!
  6. chucken

    XP Firewall for Dummies?

    it doesnt work for me either, even if I use the settings above. Also tried to open udp packets on port 4000 in the firewall with no luck
  7. I dont see any real answer to the question here so I post it You can deactivate cleartype in display properties\appearance\effects
  8. chucken

    Sygate 4.0

    I installed Sygate 4.0 in XP to get DHCP and internet sharing up and running on my home network but it doesnt work. I used the same configuration as in my Win2k installation. Sygate starts and seems to work fine but the clients dont recieve ip adresses and DNS information. It just says DHCP unreachable. Maybe there is a conflict with XP's own stuff ? It works in Win2k so I find it rather strange. I now use the built-in internet sharing service in XP instead so it's not a huge problem but is there a bug in XP that prevents Sygate from working ?