I "was" getting win2k to work with the 1.26 drivers.. but.. I would always get a blue screen of death whenever I would do something that required quite a bit of use of the hd, like burning a cd, moving a large file, or running a benchmark.
I tried many different drivers... all of which would give me 1 of the 2 results that I would get.
The first is the blue screen of death...
The other is not being able to even get into win2k (it would hang at the "built on nt technology" thing)
I had the latest bios installed. Then.. I tried an older bios. Pv... same problems with the drivers... but.. 1.23 worked! and is working perfectly.
I tried 1.23.1 before that and it resulted in the blue screen of death while using the hd too much.
but not 1.23
it works flawlessly.
So.. what I'm trying to say is that 1.23.1 and 1.23 are very different drivers.
And.. my solution for the be6 is the PV bios and the 1.23 drivers.
but the be6-2 I'm not sure about. If it works the same.. try the RV bios and the 1.23 drivers.
or possibly the SH bios and the 1.23 drivers
So basically... you have to find the right combination of bios and drivers... and they aren't going to be the newest versions of either.
And probably the 1.23 drivers will be the ones... with either the RV or SH bios.
That's all I can think of right now. Man... the hpt366 causes alot of grief. But.. If you have time, don't give up hope.
You can get every abit bios and driver on this ftp: