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Everything posted by danurve

  1. danurve

    vmware 2.0 autostart

    Yo... For the most part vmware runs ok except for maybe remote administration / term services, display = yukk, anyways here is my question: Is there a way to configure a vm machine to re-start automatically if the host drops-looses power and reboots? host: 2000 advserver 768 megs vm machine: 2000 pro (given 256 megs from host) any input on this one would be cool, thanx.
  2. danurve

    vmware 2.0 autostart

    Ok how about this,... has anyone had any luck with a third party "run as a service installer" app. for something such as vmware?
  3. danurve

    Best Free Anti-virus for Win2k pro?

    unfortunately this product or 'free' a/v has been discontinued.
  4. Webmaster's ConferenceRoom IRC/Java software there exists a security exploit built into the software. Anyone with knowledge of your software key can simply type:" /oper your-soft-ware-keey webmaster " and they are given full compete root access. From there your security, passwords, services, agents, etc., can be compromised. This exploit exits in priot 1.7x to current 1.8.4 & 1.8.5b releases. Administrators & operators be aware that the software will send no global notice alerting you when the software is compromised this way.