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Everything posted by thatsteveguy

  1. thatsteveguy

    Crash - Appcompat.txt in ALL games

    what motherboard do you have and are you running at 8X AGP or 4X? also do you have any errors when you run dxdiag? and is AGP acceleration enabled when you run the above under the display tab. and when you run the tests under dxdiag does it also crash? S
  2. thatsteveguy

    Trouble w/ Zone Alarm Pro 4.0 under Win2K?

    No probs here. what is happening at your end?
  3. thatsteveguy

    lots of beeps!

    could be a ground issue with the Mobo then. check to make sure it isn't grounding anywhere in the box or touching something it should not be. If not then the mobo might be fried.. You are making sure your static free when doing this right? Don't want to sound preachy! lol must be the A+ techy in me coming out.. S
  4. thatsteveguy

    lots of beeps!

    beeps like that tend to be the video card. make sure it is properly seated as it might look like it is but you want to hear that final little clic so you know it's in. S
  5. thatsteveguy

    Suggestions for graphics card

    Yeah I wouldn't bother with the inboard video either. spend the xtra $$ and get a half decent card. ati9700 is pretty cheap right now and a great card. the only use I have for integrated graphics is if something should happen to my video card then you have something to fall back on till you get the card running. S
  6. thatsteveguy

    The Discovery Channel new series "American Chopper&quot

    The show with Jesse James is called Monster Garage, and it is pretty cool show and I'm not even a car buff. I liked when he took a Nascar and made it a golf ball picker with cannons so the guy who picks up the balls could shoot back at people aiming at his vehicle. Everything has to remain stock but they get all these crazy ideas like a garbage truck van or the dirt car with the self contained hot air ballon. anyways here is a link you can check out http://dsc.discovery.com/fansites/monstergarage/monstergarage.html S
  7. thatsteveguy

    Trouble with Catalyst 3.4 and 3.5 Drivers

    Well glad you got it going to bad you had to do the re-install. I would like to suggest you make an image of your drive now so if you need to reinstall you can just lay the image instead. might save ya a bit of time in the future. happy gaming S
  8. thatsteveguy

    Guys which OS for this system?

    Win 2k all the way for me! S
  9. thatsteveguy

    Trouble with Catalyst 3.4 and 3.5 Drivers

    60FPS hmmm. Are you over-riding your refresh rate with the newer drivers to something higher than 60? Might be your FPS is locked into the refresh rate. still checking your page but this is off the top of my head for now. and I am just guessing that you do have your motherboard drivers installed etc? S
  10. thatsteveguy

    Trouble with Catalyst 3.4 and 3.5 Drivers

    How are your games playing? Are you having problems with those as well or is this just in benchmarks? could you provide some system specs also. I personally don't use benchmark proggies (I'd rather be playing,the only true benchmark for me!) so I can't help you there. but if it's a wider problem I'll do my best to help out. S
  11. I haven't tried the newest ones but it isn't the first time they have been leaked. I've used beta catalyst drivers before. but I'd be curious to here how they are working also.. S
  12. thatsteveguy

    nero vs alcohol

    Quote: Silver dagger, The way to fix this is to use Disk managmenet in Admionistrator tools and re-name each of the drive letter wise. I had the same problem, and thats how i got round it! I had that same problem and I don't think you should need to reasign drive letters after installing software. Just my two cents and I'm not dis-ing the product. S
  13. thatsteveguy

    Event Viewer error

    Hey all, I was having problems with my system lately and in my trouble shooting adventures I happened to notice this error that keeps popping up in event viewer Event Type: Error Event Source: Service Control Manager Event Category: None Event ID: 7000 Date: 6/14/2003 Time: 9:11:59 PM User: N/A Computer: HAL9000 Description: The WFIOCTL service failed to start due to the following error: The system cannot find the file specified. So just wanting to satisfy that curious cat in myself I went to check things out on the net and at the MS site and I can't find anything at all about this type of error or even what it means. anyone have a clue as to what this WFIOCTL service could be? Thanks S
  14. thatsteveguy

    Event Viewer error

    Thanks for that link. Didn't see anything there but it does at least give me a better understanding of what's going on even if I don't know Exactly what is going on! and no I don't have Winfax pro installed. EDIT: Stupid me.. just did a file search and it's related to my winfast TV tuner card. Man must have been a long day.. Sorry and Thanks! S
  15. thatsteveguy

    Ok Win2k Gamer question

    dredging up an old topic.. I have used both and I much prefer win2k to xp for gaming. I find 2k to be a cleaner OS on install than xp and I have to shut to much stuff down in xp to make it leaner.and then when you do it ends up looking like 2k... 8) but seriously I don't want to debate the merits of which is best but for myself I much prefer 2k over xp. and I haven't had any problems running games that really didn't come down to a video driver issue or sound driver issue.. Rarely if ever has it been an OS issue. S
  16. thatsteveguy

    Star Wars Youngster

    Yeah that's been out for a bit now.. there's also a matrix version but don't have the link handy. S
  17. thatsteveguy

    nic automatically disables itself

    try checking in device manager and go into the properties for the nic (right clic on the nic and choose properties) check under power management and get rid of the check mark next to allow the computer to turn this device off and see if that helps. S PS I am honour bound to help another Canuck! lol
  18. well here is some more info (and a bit more) http://hacktivismo.com/ S
  19. thatsteveguy

    The complete idiot's guide to ripping a DVD?

    here you go http://forum.doom9.org/index.php?s=52adcdc705e834c3fae23a27b93d0613 you can find all the help you need here. the best site to learn how to back up your dvd's S
  20. thatsteveguy

    fileshareing/mp3 news

    Well considering that they can still go after you through your ISP this isn't as big a victory as may appear. It is for the developers but not for the users. S
  21. thatsteveguy

    M$ SideWinder Controlers Softwares

    Well for myself all I have been able to do is use the microsoft controller auto detect in game controllers for 2K and XP. The software won't install and the auto detect worked okay but I don't know of any way to force the install so if anyone else does please let me know too! S
  22. thatsteveguy

    old driver buildup-how2clean?

    Quote: Quote: If you have changed all those things and are still running the same install I would recommend that it is time for a fresh install. You'll notice a major diffrence in your OS running after that. The clean up you would have to do is just too much to do by hand and a fresh install will solve that. S That isn't always an option if you have a store bought system. Well If he has changed all that stuff then I really don't consider it a store bought system anymore, or you mean the fact you only get a recovery cd? I never accept recovery cd's on my pre bought systems only full versions. Mine point is simply that if you have changed that many components in a system a fresh install is warranted and will do far better for system stability than just trying to 'clean' it up. S
  23. thatsteveguy

    old driver buildup-how2clean?

    If you have changed all those things and are still running the same install I would recommend that it is time for a fresh install. You'll notice a major diffrence in your OS running after that. The clean up you would have to do is just too much to do by hand and a fresh install will solve that. S
  24. thatsteveguy

    Now that it has been out a while...

    Personally I prefer win2k. I don't need all the purty colors and stuff and I really find no major difference between the two other than 2k isn't as much as a resource hog. S
  25. thatsteveguy

    Apology from Canada to Americans

    yeah whatever ;( Heaven forbid we should upset the Americans ( ) or disagree on something.... S