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About Total_Chaos

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  1. Total_Chaos

    Network Card Settings

    I have a Linksys 10/100 nic installed and under the advanced settings of Windows 2000 there is the option to select the transmit threshold size. It gives you 128 bytes, 256 bytes, 512 bytes, 1024 bytes or Store and Forward as options, can ne1 tell me which setting should provide best throughput for my Cable Modem and elaborate as to why they chose that setting. There are also various settings for the Burst Length, 1DWORD, 2DWORD, 4DWORD, 8DWORD, 16DWORD and 32DWORD can someone please enlighten me to what these settings are actually going to achieve. ;(
  2. Total_Chaos


    it just randomly implements password protection to my site. I have to submit a trouble ticket and they reset the server and all is fine again
  3. Total_Chaos


    Ok so if it's Apache Server I don't get access to edit the file only their web admins can do that. Can I make any recommendation to them to try and resolve it from my position? Computer Chaos
  4. Total_Chaos


    thx, I'll check that out. I'm not sure if they are running Apache or IIS so I will have to find that out : )
  5. Total_Chaos


    I am having bigtime downtime due to NT 4.0 and the htaccess file. My website host is running NT 4.0 and my site comtinously get's locked down due to the htaccess file appearing in my root directory. Does anyone know how to prevent this from happening so I can get my site online for more that a day at a time......