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Everything posted by starfury6

  1. starfury6

    Ne1 with winXP devilsOwn - read this

    Anyone running it with NO problems??
  2. starfury6

    monitor screen res problem in 2k

    Wonder if you guys can help me? I have a Belinea 10 30 40 17" monitor which I know can do 1600x1200 @60. It's covered in the manual, hasit on the box, hell the inf file even has 'max res 1600' in it somewhere. However, Windows 2000 doesn't want me to see any resolutions above 1280 x 1024. I had this problem on GeForce DDR but wasn't worried because it wasn't really a viable res for playing in but now I have an Elsa Gladiac 920 GeForce 3. I tried the 'Default Monitor' and the 'Standard VGA 1600x1200' drivers as well at the 10 30 40 inf files but windows 2000 still will only allow up to 1280x1024. I solve the problem WAAAY back when I had Win98SE by using Powerstrip but that doesn't solve the problem here. Even the new PS 3.0 Beta which allows me to create a custom monitor driver does not help. It is possible that Win2k is 'pruning' the resolutions out, but it shouldn't since both the card and monitor support the res. I currently use the nvrefreshfix util to adjust the frequesncies of the modes. Any ideas? I'd like to be able to select 1600x1200.
  3. starfury6

    monitor screen res problem in 2k

    hmm, interesting. Powerstrip doesn't solve my problem. It does for you though?
  4. starfury6

    monitor screen res problem in 2k

    As you say dood, it does indeed appear to be the bloody drivers. I found a lot of posts saying that the DCC done by the drivers newer than 6.50 does not run correctly and people lose thier top res. of some higher frequencies. Think I'll bite the bullet and try some or the newer 'leaked' drivers (12.90 and 14.something). laters.
  5. starfury6

    monitor screen res problem in 2k

    I think the 6.50 drivers do not support the GeForce 3 cards. Perhpas I'll just go back to win98 and put up with all the instalbilities..... nah! Must be a registry 'something' which restricts it.
  6. starfury6

    monitor screen res problem in 2k

    When I was running the GF DDR I had the same problem and I probably had 10 or 15 different detonantor drivers and it didn't help. I suppose I can try but I really think it will be a waste of time. I'm using the latest Nvidia release dets 12.41 WHQL.