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Everything posted by TenzoR

  1. TenzoR

    XP Powertoys re-released

    I install the new PowerToy and I lost some features!!!! I can no longer have a slideshow as my deaktop background!!!! ahhhhhhhh nooo and I can't find the powertoy i had before!
  2. TenzoR

    crackling sound with audigy and xp?

    http://www.americas.creative.com/support/kbase/article.asp?ID=959&Centric=&SearchSite=yes Maybe it's this problem
  3. TenzoR

    Folks, your thoughts on XP "Error Reporting" servi

    lol the only time I get those is when my C++ program crashed. I doubt Microsoft will fix my homework for me =)
  4. TenzoR

    beta audigy drivers

    Did you just install the driver? How about liveware?
  5. TenzoR

    Toshiba Mp3 troubles

    Well I know it's a long shot but I thought my mp3 would work under windows2k but it didn't. I was wondering if anyone have any idea on how to make it work? The device itself is recognized by the windows and drivers can be installed for atleast 1 parts of it. Then it just crashes. Any ideas I can try to make the software think it's win98 instead of win2k?
  6. TenzoR

    Toshiba Mp3 troubles

    I've tried it and it says MSVCRT.DLL is not compatible with win32. I've already installed the SP2 and the latest application updates. I guess I have to dual boot just to use it.