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Everything posted by FatFish

  1. FatFish

    My Windows 2k won't start up

    Directory Service? Are you installing Professional or Server? If i remember right, directory service mode is used for you to fix the active directory database in win2k server., but i could be wrong.
  2. FatFish

    Video/TV Board recommendation

    Grandmars has a new card that is a TV/FM Tuner + hardware Mpeg1 encoding. cost around US$120 http://www.grandmars.com/chin/spec/pv233.htm I don't have the card myself, but i saw the demo, its pretty good. And they have Win2K drivers for downloading. And i'm happy with the grandmars tv tuner that i'm having, much better than Desktop TV
  3. FatFish

    Does anyone know the OEM release date of Win XP?

    Aug 24 = "this Firday" =)
  4. FatFish

    My Windows 2k won't start up

    when you say its not startup, does that mean you have a BSOD at startup or lockup or...? plz be specific. Myu friend has a p2 233 64M RAM, it runs win2k slow but fine.
  5. Faded, did you install DOS on a brand new machine and then upgrad it 1 by 1 til XP just for fun? because i don't see how you upgrade a 286/386 running DOS and upgrade to XP.
  6. FatFish

    Which filesystem in XP?

    NTFS is the way to go. It supports file size over 2G, compression, encrption, NTFS permission...etc
  7. FatFish

    Remote Desktop Access (Pc Anywhere) Alternatives for WinXP

    How about VNC? but since its open source, it may get hacked easly
  8. FatFish

    Email and ICS

  9. FatFish

    BSoD on bootup

    maybe there is something wrong with your card at hardware level, not software. since windows use the generic vga driver to go to the safe mode without using your ati driver. Try plug your ATI into other computer, see if it has the same problem.
  10. FatFish

    BSoD on bootup

    oh sorry, i didn't read your post carefully. beside deleteing the ati*.* and the *.inf in system32. make sure you remove the listing of ati video cards in the device manager while you are in safe mode. Good luck.
  11. FatFish

    BSoD on bootup

    Use your old video card. Boot to normal mode, and download the latest ATI video card driver. Then boot into the safe mode, delete all the ATI video drivers that you have. replace your old video card with your ATI card, boot to normal, win2k should regonize your ati as a standard vga card. Then install the new downloaded latest driver from ati
  12. FatFish

    Desktop TV PCI

    Follow the link below, and download the files dtv-win2k-beta2.exe <- driver for the card vr-3.00.02.exe/vr-3.10.06.exe <- VisualReality, one of them is for Win2K, the other is for Win9x, i couldn't remember which one is which. ftp://ftp2.3dfx.com/drivers/desktoptv/
  13. FatFish

    3D studio max 4

    Dragon: I have found a new link pointing to the new c-dilla 3.24 from other forum. i have tried and it works in XP. http://www.macrovision.com/support/downloads.php3 Its a hidden link, i have no idea why they didn't have a link to it from the main page. And if they have removed it, post mesg at here, i will send it to you.
  14. FatFish

    SB Audigy

    Do you think CreativeLab will end up like 3dfx and Voyetra Turtle Beach will end up like Nvidia?
  15. FatFish

    OK, so whats so dandy about WinXP

    okok.. no ME... To me, both 98SE and ME are the same, always crash. =) But ME has some new nice features, so.... BTW, the ideal sys spec for running WinXP will be: Dual Althon 4 1.x GHz 1G DDR RAM GeForce 3 SCSI array harddrives in RAID-5 setup DVD-RAM Sound Blaster Audigy Platium T1 connection However, by the time i can afford this system, there will be Althon 6, Pentium 6 <- recalled and delayed GeForce 5...etc. and the latest os form MS will be Win UX it will be the combination of the easy configuration of windows family and the stablity of the Linux kernel.
  16. FatFish

    OK, so whats so dandy about WinXP

    wow... My old machine has the same spec as the old machine that you have mentioned. And i suggest going with 2K if you want stability, but if you play games alot, go with ME.
  17. FatFish

    Voodoo and Windows Xp.

    Did 3dfx release good driver for the win2k when they were around? btw, 3dfx didn't release any drivers for the STB products for win2k too. I bought the STB DesktopTV Pro 1 day before the merge of 3dfx and stb. and 3dfx didn't release win2k driver for it either. And so i can't watch TV after switching to win2k. So i think this is the way the life is.
  18. FatFish

    3D studio max 4

    i'm hoping the patch will fix the license, so that we can enter the serial number, so no need for the crack -> no move-tool bug
  19. FatFish


    appzattak: The build-in PPPoE works for me NOKIA: most of the routers support PPPoE, it dialups to the ISP for you on-demand and disconnect when idle, so os compatiblity is not an issue
  20. FatFish

    Windows XP compatibility

    I think the 9x driver won't work on XP. XP use the drivers from 2K not 9x. the compatible mode can only trick a program not the hardware drivers.
  21. FatFish

    3D studio max 4

    Dragon, I have just visited the Discreet website. They have a C-dilla license version 3.23 out, dated 8-10. I had the 3.23 too, but i remembered that i downloaded it from their web earlier than 8-10. so i'm not sure if it is the same one that i'm having. Did you tried the 3.23 on WInxp? FatFish
  22. FatFish

    Disabling Product Activation

    chill... preview program is not avalible everywhere. Some ppl can't get RC2 even if they want to pay for it.
  23. FatFish


    Why not use VNC? It's free, and it works.
  24. FatFish

    Antivirus program for Windows XP

    Get the Norton AntiVirus 2002 beta ftp://ftp3.symantec.com/misc/sabu/nav2002beta/NAV8Beta3.exe its XP compatible