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Everything posted by Coreace

  1. Coreace

    Sites linked - VPN?

    2 sites on leased lines 1 on an ADSL, to link these sites meaning be able to access each others network the best way to do this is this via VPN? Hardware/ software? Anyone with excellent experience? C.
  2. Coreace

    Sites linked - VPN?

    IIS? How is IIS going to help me with the VPN solution? Yes, you can use IIS in an "Extranet" and block/grant IP's/ sites but here we are talking about routing & internal network WAN no websites. I have decided to use SonicWall and it's excellent reasonable priced and very secure easy maintance and etc. It's pretty cool
  3. Coreace

    Sites linked - VPN?

    Thanks for the links, I'll do it myself it doesn't look like there are many with the experience.
  4. Coreace

    NT & W2K remote access

    I currently have a few NT boxes and 2 with RAS PDC is on NT4. I at some stage would like Terminal Services added and was thinking of a new box but this time with a Windows 2000 Terminal Services CAL box and a few RAS links on the same box. Is this a good idea in terms of mixing the environment? All NT4's or should I move all to Windows 2000 Server? I hope to get away with just one W2K box now as the RAS/ Terminal Services, anyone with some good experience? C.
  5. Coreace

    Logon Script NT/W9X

    In a mixed environment of NT Server (later W2K)and on the client side Win9X/NT/W2K How can I make sure of compatibility? At the moment users have to each morning map up drives manually with domain/userid & pass to get connected as the system doesn't seem to remember them (sometimes I have to reset the pass). I guess the profile is wrongly setup? How can I make this to work I want them to logon onto "domain" but with the drives coming up as in a logon script without having to browse to the share/resource and then map it up. Anyone with a step to step guide how to setup the profiles correctly with users on a mixed platform of W2K, NT and Win9X, will I need a 3rd party software? Thanks, C.
  6. Coreace

    Logon Script NT/W9X

    Thanks for your reply & and time writing this. I have done all the above but I suspect the profiles are not right on the PDC. All Win9X's seem to be fine but W2K clients not. Uh... I'll have to look around.