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About crackanimal

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  1. crackanimal

    Transport Tycoon Deluxe Win95 ED.

    hey, I found out the same, but also I get an error for that cd...but it is patchable! the bad thing is, I dunno how... so, look at this page: http://www.ntcompatible.com/t.shtml under 'transport tycoon deluxe' is the following: Received the follow messages: 1) I received the following message : -error reading registry 2) Will not recognize USB keyboard or mouse. 3) I have managed to bypass the reg problem by importing the registry file from Windows 98 to Windows 2000. All that remains is to patch the cd-check problem. http://www.btinternet.com/games/~michael.bolland/games/tt.reg 4) Error: Cannot switch to SVGA mode look at the part: 'All that remains is to patch the cd-check problem'. ' so it is possible!!!! somebody, plz help us out!