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Everything posted by Bane

  1. Bane

    Geforce 2 Pro problem !

    OK, Ive just bought a new Gainward Geforce 2 Pro/450 (64MB DDR) video card and when I install it , I get all sorts of problems as follows: - Crashes with BSOD as Win2k starts up ! - Boots into Win2k OK, then reboots PC when I try to do anything ! - Boots into Win2k OK, then tells me whichever file I try to run or use is corrupt and Win2k will have to restart and reboots if I dont ! - Boots into Win2k OK, then tells me which ever file I'm trying to run or use is missing an association and Win2k will have to restart! Seems like errors seem to occur as soon as the system tries to move data ?!. The card in the PC before was a Creative Geforce Pro 32MB DDR and it ran flawlessly. I have also swapped this original card back into the PC several times and problems are instantly gone ! I have completely uninstalled the nVidia drivers each time I have put the new card in and the card itself runs fine in a similar machine (same motherboard etc)at the vendor I bought it from. I even tried another card (same type) from the supplier with the same results in both my PC and his (ie; his works, mine doesnt !). My machine is as follows; Athon 1.2C @ 266 FSB (9x133), GlobalWin FOP38 connected to MB header ! ECS K7VZA Motherboard (KT133A), latest Bios ver 3.2d with 686B fix ! 512 MB PC133 SDRAM (2x256 Dimms, 1 PQI,1 Hyundai) Audio Excel AV512 PCI Sound card (C-Media CM8738 6 Channel) 30G WD ATA-100 7200rpm HD, Ricoh 7125A (32x12x10)Burner, LS-120 ATX Case, 300W Power supply, two 80mm case fans. Windows 2000 Pro, SP2, Via 4in1 4.32 nVidia drivers (tried versions 12.90, 14.20, 14.40 & 14.60) So far I ave tried the following; - tried all of the nVidia driver versions above (after removing old drivers and registry keys etc) - have tried every concievable Bios option and configuration including AGP driving values etc (EA, E7, FF etc) ! (Did notice when I set the "PCI Master Bus TimeOut Control" to 1x9 seems to run slightly longer before crashes !) - disconnected both case fans I did want to try running the FOP38 off a pass through cable as I have read they can put a strain on the MB header, but this latest MB Bios version looks for a fan to be connected to the MB header or it wont boot up !. However contrary to this, every thing I read on the net tells me that Geforce 2 cards have less voltage requirements/problems than the original Geforce series and my Geforce DDR runs without a hitch on this setup ! Now the only thing I have left to try is a clean install of Win2k, thinking maybe its an IRQ problem or something of that ilk ! If anyone has got any ideas I'd be glad to hear them !!! Thanx !!!!
  2. Bane

    Geforce 2 Pro problem !

    Thanks for the ideas, but tried them and still the same crap ! Any other ideas or anyone else got an opinion etc. Id be glad for any input at this stage ! Bane