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Everything posted by Greyhawk

  1. Greyhawk


    Thank you Nemesis ! Your suggestion worked perfectly. Mike
  2. Greyhawk


    Greeting All ! I am a novice when it comes to networking. I am having a problem with IPC$. I am attempting to complete a home network. I have reformatted both computers. Server is Win2k Pro. OS WAN Nic- Realtek RTL8139(A)-based PCI Fast Ethernet Adapter LAN Nic- Macronix MX98715 Family Fast Ethernet Adapter (ACPI) Client is Win98 2nd ed. OS LAN Nic- AOpen AON-325 10/100M Fast Ethernet PCI Adapter I setup a shared folder for each computer. Each computer recognizes the other in network places and neighborhood. The server can access the shared folder of the client, but the client cannot access the shared folder of the server. A password screen comes up Resource: \\Server\IPC$ Password: I have no passwords setup for each computer ! This is why I do not understand the IPC$ problem. I tried to research the problem and this was one of the things I came across > ---------------------------------------------------------------------- If you try to connect to an NT system across the network and get the following error message: IPC$, The domain password you supplied is not correct then you probably have a password conflict. IPC stands for Inter-Process Communication and is how Windows systems communicate with one another. The most likely cause of this problem is that the ID you are using on the local system also exists on the system you are trying to contact, but the Passwords are different from one system to the other. Verify that the passwords for that ID on the two systems are the same. -------------------------------------------------------------------- I have shut down each computer and restarted. Can anyone help ? Thanx MikeI have no passwords setup for each computer !
  3. Greyhawk


    I will try your suggestion Nemisis. Thank you ! Mike