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About Paton

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  1. Paton

    saving autocompletition ?!

    I am abit lazy so i want to save my auto completitions from IE 5.5 before i go from Windows 98SE to Windows2000. - Where can i find and save these ? - Will that work nicely with switching to Windows2000 ? Michael
  2. Paton

    IE 5.5 or IE 6.0 ?

    I soon will install Windows2000. Ive read about the many security bugs of IE 5.5 and now i am unsure about a few things. - Does IE 6.0 still have those bugs and needs to be patched or does IE 6.0 have all those patches built in ? - Do those SPS Packages for IE 5.5 fix those bugs or do i still have to apply the patches ? - Does someone have a good website which lists all the important security bugs of IE 5.5 ? Michael
  3. Paton


    Hello, I am going to install Windows2000 on 2 partitions and Linux on one. 2 partitions cause i am going to play, tune, install, deinstall stuff on one partition, where it doesnt matter what happens and on the other it will be a system which wont change often. I would like to use a bootmanager which hides partitions, so if i boot one of the windows2000 partitions, the other wont be visible. Which bootmanagers you guys recommend for this ? Michael