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About MasterVadered

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  1. MasterVadered

    Game over, MS / XP wins!

    Hey, know programers dude. Gotta trust me on that one.
  2. MasterVadered

    Game over, MS / XP wins!

    Trust me, I hate WPA, but I'm also a realist. Its here, there is nothing any of us can do about it, and yes as long as there are millions of 16-20 year old hackers that are beter programers than MS programers we will always have a crack. MS programers are focused on one program. Hackers love them all.
  3. MasterVadered

    Game over, MS / XP wins!

    Hate WPA, but it's here to stay I'm afraid to say. A person always has the choice to either buy it or not. If another OS works for you, go for it. If a person has just a little computer savoy, the WPA is no problem at all. Right? Doe'nt exist on my machine for some reason. No matter how much you hate WPA, you have to admit XP is the best OS out there.