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About ITGL72

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  1. ITGL72

    damaged user profiles

    Here's the situation. Figures on the day I leave on a 10 day vacation in the afternoon I have something like this happen! One of the guys here was in USERPROFILES and clicked the COPY TO button to the ALL USERS folder. Now I have programs missing in the start menu (I'm sure they are there, just not shortcuts to them) and basically all the user profiles seem to be a mess. Tried copying a user profile from another NT machine but now we see the program files from THAT NT machine. (Displaying things that don't exist on this machine) So basically, is there a way we can easily recreate the USER PROFILES on this machine? Seeing that time is sensitive for me, and I banished this individual from the room in anger that did this, I'm hoping someone has a quick fix or has done this before. Thanks! George
  2. I was working on a fresh install of SQL7 SP4 on an NT4 SP6a server. Going through the MBSA on some recommended fixes I removed the BUILTIN\Administrator account from the SYSADMIN ROLE. I guess the morning coffee had not kicked in yet. The only thing that is in there is the "SA" account. Well I'm a bit stuck now. I am hoping I do not have to reinstall SQL7. I am unable to administer what I need to now on the SQL Server. Can I get the BUILTIN\Administrator account back into the SYSADMIN ROLE, or is there another route to take here? Thanks! -George
  3. ITGL72

    Network Firewall

    Another thing to LEARN. LOL... Its always something.
  4. ITGL72

    Network Firewall

    First let me paint the picture of one of the networks I work with. There is an entire range of a class C IP addresses connected via T1 to the Router. <PUBLIC> ROUTER - Cisco CPA2511 To Switch, From switch - multihomed W2K Server acting as a NAT, VPN, WEB, FTP, and SQL Server from switch - NT4 Member server running some billing application <PRIVATE> Private IP LAN coming from another switch connected to internal NIC of multihomed W2K Server, I have 2 W2K DC's running various services for this office. I really don't know much about router configuration/maintenance, this router was here when I took over. I basically just do windows server OS installs/maintenance, etc. I'm looking to help secure the W2K machines and internal network better then it is now. NAT is fine for getting folks access to the internet but not for much else. Looking for suggestions. I am limited on what I can use because of the budget thing :-) I assume the easiest thing I can do in this situation is purchase some type of FIREWALL software and run it on the W2K Server acting as the NAT provider. Comments? Suggestions? Recommendations? Thanks! -George
  5. ITGL72

    IIS issue with different accounts

    It does have server extensions, but we do not use them anymore. Wonder if I should delete them or disable them alltogether? Maybe just install them just to be safe. I played with this box this morning, I get the same situation whether I login with the admin account or my partners account, but all seems well with my account! I fiddled with directory permissions in spots just to test outsome ideas but I'm still at the same location.
  6. Running IIS on NT4 with service pack 4, and all the latest security patches. When I launch the IIS MMC and look at the websites and ftp sites they are all STOPPED and have lost their names. For example it looks like FTP Site #1 Stopped FTP Site #2 Stopped.... etc... Website #1 Stopped Website #2 Stopped.... etc... If I try to click on properties I get: "The server has not been configured to use the server extensions to configure it choose configure server extensions from the task menu." I had someone on the outside test the websites and they ARE still coming up. Something has gone awry here. Not sure what to look at next to rectify the situation. We have applied the hotfixes when they first came out. In event view I'm getting: Event Type: Error Event Source: W3SVC Event Category: None Event ID: 115 Date: 8/27/2001 Time: 6:58:45 AM User: N/A Computer: (SERVER NAME HERE) Description: The service could not bind instance 7. The data is the error code. I have several of those in event viewer where the instance number is different. I also have a few like this but I don't think this is as much an issue, I deleted some of these old directories a while ago and don't believe I saw any errors related to them until now: Event Type: Warning Event Source: W3SVC Event Category: None Event ID: 101 Date: 8/27/2001 Time: 6:39:24 AM User: N/A Computer: (SERVER NAME HERE) Description: The server was unable to add the virtual root '' for the directory 'F:\InetPub\wwwroot\(website-dir-here) due to the following error: The system cannot find the path specified. The data is the error code. Also while researching the event id 115/w3svc event id I noticed it said: "As per Microsoft: "Some or all of the Web sites that are using Host Headers have the same port number defined for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). Internet Information Server 4.0 does not support the use of Host Headers for SSL.". See the link below for workaround." I do have some sites with host headers but never set up SSL on them. NOW HERE IS WHAT I NOTICED THE NEXT DAY: When I saw this issue on the web server the account that was logged in was my partners administrative account. Late in the day when I logged in, all the websites were back, HOWEVER, they were ALL STOPPED. I had to restart them. Where this came from I'm not sure and plan on investigating. My partners account and my account, both have the same administrative privileges so they should both be the same. That's what has puzzled me thus far. I compared my personal administrative account with my partners administrative account and they are both members of the same administrative groups. I checked the permissions on the directories where the websites reside and everything seems good there as well. What permissions is IIS running this against to determine that my account can manage IIS, but my partners account cannot? This is probably something so simple, I'm almost embarrassed to ask about it! I thought IIS just ran under a system account. More researching for me.... Any suggestions? What has happened to the site names? any suggestions welcome, thank you! I will continue to research this online, I may also reapply the service pack and see what that does... ahh the life of a rookie....