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Everything posted by Budious

  1. Budious

    Microsoft Word crashes at launch.

    I have tried installing Office 2000 (SR-1 integrated) and Office XP on my computer, however, winword.exe crashes within 5 - 30 secs after opening Word. I am running a fresh install of Windows 2000 (SP3 slipstreamed cd), and have only upgraded to IE 6.1 SP1 and Media Player 9, I haven't downloaded any other patches from M$ yet. I have tried up[censored] Office 2000 to SP3 and XP to SP1 but neither helps. Winword.exe is only program giving this problem, all the other office applications work flawlessly and all my games and programs run fine as well as windows is perfectly stable. I have only started having these problems with word since after I upgraded Audigy 2 Platnium and I think it may have something to do with the card or its drivers, but M$ Word seems to be the only affected application.
  2. I need some help finding a proper driver and installing this pcmia device under Fedora Core 1. http://www.linksys.com/products/product.asp?grid=33&scid=36&prid=542 for product details. Fedora Core is installed and running on an IBM Thinkpad 600X notebook, all other hardware is supported. Linksys website has a linux driver for v3 of device - http://www.linksys.com/download/driver.asp?dlid=66 , v4 driver page only has a windows driver - http://www.linksys.com/download/driver.asp?dlid=101 . v3 is dated newer than last official v4 driver, but I would guess the two are not compatible. Anyone know how to get this product functional in Fedora Core?
  3. Budious

    DNS forward query on Domain

    Howdy fellas, noob needs some help with a home domain setup. Im currently taking Implementing Windows 2000 Server class and have been messing around with setting up a domain server using Windows 2003 Server Evaluation kit and XP SP1 as my domain client. Question is when Im using DHCP to assign automatic IP's to my XP machine, it cannot access the internet. The ipconfig of the XP client points to my 2003 server, and the 2003 server which was configured to access the ISP DNS before I setup AD, now points back to its own IP for DNS configuration after AD configuration. The 2003 Server can still access the internet. My Windows 2000 book/lab manual doesn't go into much detail in how to forward DNS queries to my ISP's DNS servers from the clients, and the instructions for 2000 server are a bit different (Wizard setup options have changed). EDIT: Determined DNS lookup is not the problem, the DHCP server is not assigning the default gateway to the client. When I specify the IP manually and gateway, and use the 2003 Server IP for the DNS the client is able to load web pages fine. So how do I get DHCP to issue a default gateway? Nevermind... fixed it myself, option 003 Router needed to be checked in DHCP mmc, now it all works! Moderator may delete this post.
  4. Budious

    Win2003 server

    Need to select VGA mode at boot options, change the display settings to a working setting for your monitor 800x600@75hz instead of 1024x768 default, etc. Reboot as normal, monitor will work. I guess that issue slipped by with the old 15" crap CRT monitors I have sitting around, all those techies at M$ with their luxorious LCD's
  5. What support if any is there for Audigy 2?
  6. Budious

    IntelliMouse Explorer 3.0 vs. 2003 .net server

    Does 2003 not include a default driver that enables all buttons? Im still using 2000 but SP3 included a default driver that allows all 5 buttons to browse back/forward in IE, etc.
  7. Budious

    "Download for Internet Explorer 5.5"

    Download the ie*setup.exe file for whatever version of IE you need. This should work for 5.0 - 6.0 versions. Save file to temp folder or wherever you want it. open a windows run box, type in, C:\temp\ie5setup.exe /c:"ie5wzd.exe /d /s:""#E""" Now you should get a prompt to download files and check the boxes for which versions of windows you need the files for.
  8. Budious

    Microsoft Word crashes at launch.

    I do not have Winfax installed. The directory you specified did not exist, but I located files in Documents and Settings/*users*/Templates and deleted all of those to see if it helped. However the problem remains, I can open word, type about a line of text then I get an error box, and after I send M$ an error, another box pops up and I send another, and its like a chain crash so I just keep spamming M$ error server maybe they'll patch it
  9. Budious

    Microsoft Word crashes at launch.

    I was trying to capture some screenshots today in WordPad and discovered it has the same problems as Word 2000/XPee, has anyone else seen anything like this. There's some similar coding between all 3 applications and that coding seems not to like something about my system.
  10. Budious

    Microsoft Word crashes at launch.

    Where exactly is this option? I can't seem to find it.
  11. Budious

    Audigy 2 Platnium in MDK 9.0

    EDIT: NM, I recompiled Kernel and with the new driver and sound I have full sound.
  12. Budious

    XP PRO Castle Wolfenstein ?

    Is this in single player or multiplayer? Punkbuster enabled multiplayer servers are most problematic, you can try /pb_system 1 should let punkbuster change system compatibility modes.
  13. Budious

    Hitman 2: Silent Assassin - Win2000

    Im running the game on 2000 SP3 with no problems, the game is coded just fine for the o/s. Should not need any compatibility modes..
  14. Budious

    Audigy 2 Platnium in MDK 9.0

    Plug and Play is already set to NO in the BIOS, still no load. The rest of my hardware is as follows if this helps: AMD +2200 Asus A7V333 (BIOS 1012) 512MB Corsair XMS pc2700 MSI GF3 Audigy 2 Platnium (PCI 3) Intel 100 M Desktop Pro NIC (PCI 4) 45GB Win2K 30GB Linux 52x Lite-On CD 2410a Plextor
  15. Budious

    Audigy 2 Platnium in MDK 9.0

    EDIT: I was using the Audigy 1 platnium instructions and probably reason this did not work, there are not documents for any Audigy 2 support so I assume ALSA does not support it yet. Got a quick questions about ALSA installation. http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-doc/doc...;module=emu10k1 I was following the instructions this page, however when I get down to the part about modprobe snd-emu10k1;modprobe snd-pcm-oss;modprobe snd-mixer-oss;modprobe snd-seq-oss /lib/modules/2.4.19-16mdk/kernel/sound/pci/emu10k1/snd-emu10k1.o: init_module: No such device Hint: insmod errors can be caused by incorrect module parameters, including invalid IO or IRQ parameters. You may find more information in syslog or the output from dmesg modprobe: insmod /lib/modules/2.4.19-16mdk/kernel/sound/pci/emu10k1/snd-emu10k1.o failed modprobe: insmod snd-emu10k1 failed This part of the installation seems to fail, Im quite the linux novice so any suggestions about how to get it working at this point?
  16. Budious

    Audigy 2 Platnium in MDK 9.0

    Ok, thanx for the speedy replies, I will give ALSA a try.
  17. Budious

    Microsoft Sidewinder 3D Pro

    Are you using ServicePack 3? I ask because I have an old SideWinder GamePad and 2000 systems with SP3 installed misdetect it as the 3DPro. However, on SP2 on two different systems the gamepad works fine, I think M$ broke sidewinder support in SP3 for older devices and has failed to patch it yet.
  18. Budious

    Sidewinder software on 2k

    2000 with SP2 or SP3 should have built-in driver support for Sidewinder devices, goto control panel, gaming options, Add button, scroll down to Microsoft SideWinder (auto detect). One problem I have is SP3 broke SideWinder Gamepad support, it now misdects the GamePad as 3DPro or something. Under SP2 it would autodetect my gamepad correctly.
  19. Using a copy of Windows 2000 Server w/ SP3 integrated install. I have only the Common Files, FTP Server and Internet Services Snap-In installed in Internet Information Services in Windows Component Add/Remove. I have one ftp server setup and created and functioning well. My cable modem connection is 128kbps (16KB/s) upload so I was wanting to limit this to (12KB/s) not to hog all the bandwidth to the other computers on the router are free to do other things. I have checked the enable bandwidth throttling option however the server continues to use max bandwidth, I have attempted to restart the service and even rebooted but still seems to use max upload. I've tried google and ms.com but this topic seems to be poorly documented or Im just not looking in right place. Are additional components needed for bandwidth throttle to function correctly?
  20. Budious

    Need help with IIS 5.0 bandwidth throttling.

    Ok, well thanx for the replies, perhaps I will switch to Serv-U or some other ftp service with speed restriction options.
  21. Budious

    Need help with IIS 5.0 bandwidth throttling.

    Quality of Service wants me to set up a domain and from what I read this only effects the network traffic and not the internet traffic, all the pc's have 10mb nics or 802.11b wireless so plenty of network bandwidth. My upload cap is 16KB so I want to limit to 12KB for a max speed I or others can access my files remotely from work or school. However I have tried setting it to around 12KB/s (96kbps) but the ftp continues to upload at full speed. Simply Im asking is there any simple way to limit the upload speed to internet on IIS ftp site.
  22. Budious

    NFS: High Stakes won't work

    Strange, I could never get to work with SP2 but after I installed SP3 and the App Comp ToolKit 2.6 that came out post-SP3 (2.5 in SP3) and installed it using the instructions here I got it working. Only problem is that the game doesnt save my video settings, so every time I launch the game I have to adjust the graphic settings, but it works.
  23. Budious

    XP to 98 Dialup Server

    try leaving the user blank and entering the password of the 9x shares
  24. Budious

    Counter-Strike Retail CD

    Having problems installing this game on a fresh slipstream install of SP3. Installer runs and goes through setup. Reboot, but none of the game executables are copied the install directory, the other files appear to be there. Tried running the installer in win98 mode with no luck. Using a legal official retail cd of Counter-Strike, anyone had these problems?
  25. Budious

    Counter-Strike Retail CD

    Just a follow up, I used a Half-Life, GotY edition cd and installed fine, then d/l the 120mb mod file for counter-strike and it works fine. But seems the counter-strike cd installer is crap for 2k.