i have found a lot of boards where users asked how to change the refresh rate for open GL based games in windows xp. This bug is a "relict" of win2k and microsoft hasnt fixed it yet. Well, here u are:
1. Leech, install and start PowerStrip 3.x or better
2. Rightclick PS icon in systray and choose Display profiles -> Configure...
3. Click "Advanced Timing Options"
4. Click "Custom Resolutions"
5. On the Left side choose "user defined" and set up the resolution and refreh rate
you want to use. Then click "Add new resolution".
6. Answer the following message boxes with yes.
7. Now in "Display profiles" menu the custom resolution should be available.
8. Make sure that you keep powerstrip running. if you dont, windows
will manage the resolution and refresh rate itself and thats exactly what we dont want.
9. Now you can play games with rates higher than 60Hz.
p.s.: for some nvidia graphic boards, u can also "fix" this bug by editing the registry, for more detailed information visit: http://www.speedy3d.com/articles/nvidia_rrfix/index.shtml
have phun with the best win ever!!!