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About Herris

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  1. Herris

    Event Log error

    Bah! I seached microsofts KB. =( Ah, well. that looks like that will take care of the problem. Thanks. =)
  2. Herris

    Event Log error

    I am getting this error in my Application Event log. Not sure why. Anyone know what it is and how I can fix it? Win2k Server The Open Procedure for service "DNS" in DLL "C:\WINNT\System32\dnsperf.dll" failed. Performance data for this service will not be available. Status code returned is data DWORD 0.
  3. Herris

    Consumers Can Order Windows XP Today

    Microsoft is trying to create their own self-fulfilling prophecy. Although I think it will be a great operating system I don't think there is a great clamor to get it or upgrade as they are making it out to be, especially with such touchy issues as privacy and wpa.