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Everything posted by WindBlade

  1. WindBlade

    WinXP Networking..

    Hey! I just recently installed WinXp on one of my comp.. However, my other comps running WinME can't seem to be able to access my WinXP comp on the network.. They can see it, but when I click on it, it will say "WindBlad is not accessible.. Unknown Error 31.." where WindBlad is my computer name... My WInXp comp, however, IS able to see other comp and share their resources.. but.. my Win9x can't just can't seem to do the same.. I created user accounts on my WinXP comp exactly the same as the user on my other comp..... and I gave shared access of my c:\, d:\ to WORKGROUP/USERS. My WinXP is using 3Com Network card while my Win9x comps are using Dlink/Linksys cards connected to an Astante (SMC) Router cum Switch.. hmm.. This is the interesting part... When I create the the user name in WInXP to be the same as the user name in WinME, it will say "Windblad is not accessible.. Uknown Error 31.." Then, when I enable guest account, it will say "Windblad is not accessible.. No Permission to access resource.." even the user name created. And when I delete the user, it will also say "Windblad is not accessible.. No Permission to access resource.." Anyone of any ideas? Need help desperately.. What the heck does Unknwon Error 31 mean.. hmm. .I got this on 2 of my ME comps, so I don't think it should be ME's fault.. Thanks..
  2. WindBlade

    WinXP Networking..

    Yeap.. can ping it..e verythig is alright.. the rest of the comp can access the internet.. My winXp can see the rest of the comp and access it.. but my other comps can't access my WinXP comp even thoguh they can SEE it.. and yeap.. WinXP user matches the user on WinME comp..
  3. WindBlade

    WinXP Networking..

    hmm.. I did have problems with ME and WIn2k last time.... But this was solved when I isntalle NetBEUI protocol in all the computers.. HOwever, when I did a clean install of XP, I releiased that NetBEUI support has been removed.. and I DO suspect that that is the problem, though its not confirmed.. But if I'm not wrong, on a smal network liek this, IPX is used for file sharing? Correct me if I'm wrong.. =P
  4. WindBlade

    WinXP Networking..

    Dry Thraot, yeap.. my WinXp is on NTFS.. However, I shared a FAT32 drives instead of NTFS drives.. and I did hear that As long as the drives are shared, even if the drive is on NTFS, HPFS or watever, sharing between them is still possible.. due to this thing called SAMBA or something..
  5. WindBlade

    WinXP Networking..

    I tried searchign the MS Knowledge bAse for "Unknown Error 31" but can't find anythign