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Everything posted by DoubleTap

  1. DoubleTap

    Why is the activity light on my cable modem blinking?

    I know someone that is running a sniffer and they say most of the traffic is ARP requests. Constant ARP requests. DT
  2. the file size is 111 megabytes. I downloaded the file earlier DT
  3. DoubleTap

    Intel 440BX Mobo @ 133MHz FSB

    I think with the BX chipset the only thing that will be out of spec would be your agp card (2/3 divider = ~89 mhz). There is a 1/4 pci divider that kicks in at 133 fsb. So if your video card can handle the out of spec speed, you should be ok. DT
  4. DoubleTap

    Win xp calling home

    Do you have the box set to sync it's time? While one of my boxes was starting up, my sniffer picked up that it was trying to use UDP port 123 to connect to time.microsoft.com (or another time box.) Turned of the time sync and no more occurences on the sniffer. Perhaps that is what's happening to you. DT
  5. DoubleTap

    SystemWorks 2002: Worth using? Bloated?

    Besides, how many of you had norton 2001 for more than a year before getting 2002? DT
  6. DoubleTap

    You don't need to tweak WinXP like that?

    Quote: Think about it guys. Do you really think that MS requires users to go into the registry to delete keys so as to remove the lag time it takes to connect to another machine? Do you really think that M.S. requires users to unclick on firewall, enable IPX and mess around with the network properties like that? Do you seriously believe that their intention is to get you to enable Simple networking and and frustrate you to no end before you get a simple peer to peer network working? What kind of viable product would they have if the average user had to tweak their system to no end. First, anyone that is willing to edit the registry, tweak their system, etc.. is: A) Not the average user and ( Accepting the fact that they may hose up their system while tweaking. Now, the severity of hosing may depend on the level of said user. In addition, the level of said user can reduce the downtime caused by a hosed tweak - either by reverting to backup, fixing said problem, or lastly, a full re-install. Lastly, two words: Planning and Backups. Always have a good plan and a good backup. That goes for anybody. If I hose my system I am back in business in about 20 mins. Ghost is a wonderful thing. DT
  7. DoubleTap

    PPPPLLLLEEEAAASSSEEE Help me with XP Networking......

    JakesDad, How are your NICs configured? And what are your TCP/IP settings on each? DT
  8. DoubleTap

    SystemWorks 2002: Worth using? Bloated?

    I dunno about being bloated since I only installed NAV and Ghost. Both work well and don't seem to slow down my system. DT
  9. DoubleTap

    Modem answers phone when people call....help. LOL

    ATS0=0 (that's ats(zero)=(zero)) will turn off autoanswer. DT
  10. DoubleTap

    Internal error occured

    How about uninstall and reinstall TCP/IP? DT
  11. DoubleTap

    looking for a good mail client

    rgodart, I gave outlook a try and thought that the filters would be good enough. What I found was that even though you can filter incoming emails based on the incoming email address and placing them in the respective folders, outlook (last time I looked) does not have the ability to assign a Personality (account) to those filtered emails. So that when you reply, the email is setup to use that account's return address, etc... Eudora does. For example: I have a main account and about 4 alternative accounts that I also use. If an email comes in to one of the alternative accounts, I have filters set up to transfer the email to a folder and change the personality to suit that of the email address. So that when I reply to said email, the FROM: field is filled in correctly (uses the alternative account information and NOT the main account's) it works really well when you want to keep email accounts separate - I don't run the risk of replying to an alternative account email using my main account info. And you don't have to switch the FROM: field each time. Hope I didn't make that too confusing. Let me know and I can try to explain it better. DT
  12. DoubleTap

    DNS Server in XP?

    I dont think DNS from server would work on workstation. Probably is a dumb question but Can you install Server an another PC? DT
  13. DoubleTap

    Windows XP and 2000 network peace anyone?

    I simply use tcp/ip and all of my computers (7 of them) can see/share with each other just fine. No need for any extra protocols whatsoever. DT PS. XP does have netbeui. It's on the CD.
  14. DoubleTap

    looking for a good mail client

    I have always liked Eudora. Currently using the latest version on XP. DT
  15. DoubleTap

    Annoying IE Windows Size Problem

    Hello, From what I have read, what Miku wants is not possible. As I understand it, Miku wants spawned IE windows (using CTRL+N for example) to open as maximized and not as a restored window. I too would like all spawned child IE windows to open as maximized (not full screen) but read somewhere that MS removed the ability sometime ago. The best one can do is to spawn an IE window and drag that window to the size of maximized and close it using the above method. It won't be truly maximized but will be the same size as maximized. Let me know if that helps. DT
  16. DoubleTap

    IE scripting error

    I get that same error when installing or doubleclicking on the system tray icon. Do you know if this affects the performance of nav 2002? I think I will go back to nav 2001 for the time being. DT