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About Powermike

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  1. Powermike

    Grrrr....Norton Internet Security 2002

    Had a similar Problem under W2k with Norton Antivirus. Sold my Promise Controller and Problem is gone ... Powermike
  2. Powermike

    Asus P3V4X temps reading ???!!

    Quote: You lost what ? Aren't they just disabled in the bios ? Did you reset the bios to its default ? Thanks for the reply, yes, I tried anything including loading bios defaults, clearing cmos, bios reflash, etc.... I think, the I/O-chip is defective. Powermike
  3. Powermike

    Asus P3V4X temps reading ???!!

    Grrrrr, I really don't care about the P3V4X anymore, it just broke down! Lost all serial and parallel I/O-ports, will kick the board into the bucket tomorrow... Powermike
  4. Powermike

    Asus P3V4X temps reading ???!!

    Hi, I used the P3V4X for a long time also, used it with a Asus S370-DL slocket (recommended by ASUS) and with a PIII866EB(CB0) and a PIII1000EB(CD0). I also got this horrible high temp readings, up to 65°C, even not o'clocked! With my new TUV4X the readings are a lot lower, max. is 51°C now, @1140 MHz, I couldn't reach that speed with the P3V4X. Because I'm selling the P3V4X I mounted a Celeron 1000 onto the mobo, hm, the temp are also that high. But I don't care anymore, the system is rockstable... Powermike
  5. Powermike

    Help with elsa Gladiac 920???

    Quote: Powermike ... well ... are you Powermike, if you see what I mean? Yes, it's me, Frog! Sorry, didn't look into this forums since last week... Powermike
  6. Powermike

    Help with elsa Gladiac 920???

    Good Idea, Frog! :-) Powermike
  7. Powermike

    Detonators 21.81!

    Hm, no really performance gain here, +80 (3660) points in 3DMark2001, -50 points in 3DMark2000 (7620). And I got problems with my favorite game, Ubisoft F1 Racing Championship: Seems to run very smooth, but can start the game only once, secon time I get a lockup. So went back to the 12.90... Powermike P.S.: Nice to meet you again, Frogmaster :-)