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About [H]ard-Turtle

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  1. [H]ard-Turtle

    USB Problems

    I dood that already..lol I tried it...no go. Oh and as a follow up... One type is USBUHCI.sys, which VIA uses, the other is USBOHCI.sys...which almost everone else uses. I'm not sure if I led you here yet or not..but try http://www.usbman.com
  2. [H]ard-Turtle

    USB Problems

    I had occasional lock ups under win2k...but XP just won't function...I agree...I'm almost certain it is a driver problem...I just chose not to wait until they figure it out as I can't write drivers myself.
  3. [H]ard-Turtle

    USB Problems

    Is your Front Side Bus overclocked at all?
  4. [H]ard-Turtle

    USB Problems

    Hey...yep..you have amd chipset alright... AMD® 751 (Irongate) North Bridge AMD® 756 (Viper) South Bridge is what I found on your board. From what I understand there are two types of host controllers: One is a Universal Host Controller (system file of UHCI or something like that) the other I've forgotten what it's called but it's what most of the other board manufacturers use. I can't spend hours trying to determine which you have for sure though. I love problems and love fixing them even more...but I could not get my USB stable under XP. I have the UHCI type from VIA...try to research and see which type yours is then make a decision to go from there. New PCI USB card or wait for XP driver support from Gigabyte.
  5. [H]ard-Turtle

    Logitech QuickCAM Home/Web USB

    This afternoon I was able to troubleshoot it to the VIA USB Host controller..not the cam. I've always known that via usb was a finicky thing... XP has native drivers for the cam. I purchased a $20 USB PCI card and all is well...works like a charm. Sad I had to buy something to make it work...but with no driver support for at least a few weeks..I didn't want to wait.
  6. [H]ard-Turtle

    USB Problems

    Yup...you and I have both just run into our first VIA USB problem it seems. Usually it only crops up on seriously overclocked FSB...but with XP the via controller just sucks. My solution for the time-being was to go down to the store, purchase a $20 PCI USB card and away she went...when/if via ever gets it straightened out I'll pull the card or use it in an old box.
  7. [H]ard-Turtle

    QuickCam VC and XP

    This afternoon I was able to troubleshoot it to the VIA USB Host controller..not the cam. I've always known that via usb was a finicky thing... XP has native drivers for the cam. I purchased a $20 USB PCI card and all is well...works like a charm. Sad I had to buy something to make it work...but with no driver support for at least a few weeks..I didn't want to wait.
  8. [H]ard-Turtle

    Linksys Wireless Network

    Water cooling w/ Pelt is my next project now that the network and XP all play well. I've got an AOpen full tower case begging for all the watercooling hardware to go into. 12"X5" radiator w/ (4) 80mm fans...resevoir...dual power supplies...100+Watt pelt..etc. Takes dough though...so one piece at a time..hehe I'm an AMD fan how about you?
  9. [H]ard-Turtle

    Linksys Wireless Network

    Hey...1-5MB/sec???? That would be fine for gaming considering my ADSL is only 784/128. But...you'll love this....try 11Mbps? I ran SiSoft Sandra's Network benchmark and it pegged out at 10.9Mbps...so I'd say it's working correctly! The setup is based on WiFi or 802.11b whichever you prefer to call it. Again...the only downside in my house is Range...I HAD to centralize the access point. I couldn't get through all the darn walls. I actually tried placing one computer in the garage...no luck...about 30 feet short. NEED MORE POWER!!! Unfortunately I'm not a programmer so a lot of what you said was Greek to me..I'm a hardware nut only at this point in time. But, I did get the UPC reader part...I've got a friend that just converted his warehouse to a setup using wireless readers. Oops, I forgot to tell you about gaming...yes, I play CS..no problem whatsoever. I've had 3 players at the same time...all wireless...not an issue.
  10. [H]ard-Turtle

    Logitech QuickCAM Home/Web USB

    XP detects and installs, native driver support, however, the cam comes on, displays video for about 2~3 seconds, then locks up. VIA USB problem? Any ideas?
  11. [H]ard-Turtle

    QuickCam VC and XP

    Also having a problem with QuickCam Home. However, I can start the cam, won't shut down locks the video after 2 seconds.
  12. [H]ard-Turtle

    Linksys Wireless Network

    I completely agree with you on Tesla...what a mind. I use a linksys Wireless Gateway/Router in the kitchen attached to the DSL modem. (1) computer in my Son's room, (2) in the office, (1) in my bedroom, and last but not least a laptop wherever I walk around. I have gone through several movements and gyrations as I couldn't afford all the wireless cards all at once...approx. $150 for the PCMCIA and PCI adapter set. So I've just done one a month and now everything is wireless. There is a 4 port switch on the Gateway...Really a flexible unit. Range could be better and an occasional loss of connectivity...but it doesn't require user interfernce..just comes back online in a few seconds.
  13. [H]ard-Turtle

    Critical Installation Problem with XP

    Very Cool...I have a hate/love relationships: I hate it when things go wrong..but I love finding the answer and seeing it fixed!!! Glad you got it.
  14. [H]ard-Turtle

    Critical Installation Problem with XP

    http://www.asusboards.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=8723 Here is the other board and post and solution for my A7V133....maybe it will help afterall. When I determined the bios for the Promise chip was hosed, no "normal" bios flash worked. I'm going to guess that when you flash if the data is the same it doesn't "re-flash" it...if you notice some of the blocks using aflash go unchanged...Maybe I wasn't flashing the promise. When I used the bios mentioned in that thread I KNOW it flashed the promise as there are visible changes. I'm typing from the A7V133 RAID w/ XP right this second...hehe
  15. [H]ard-Turtle

    Critical Installation Problem with XP

    I also had several BSODs while doing the A7V133 install...turned out the bios for the promise chip was corrupt. After flashing with a bios w/RAID bios I had no additional problems. I doubt seriously you have the same problem...so click that link and follow along...hehe I'm in the middle of an install on an Abit KT7-RAID, how easy...the built in RAID drivers for that board are sooooooo nice.