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  1. Guardian

    warcraft II in winxp???

    To run ANY MS-DOS based game under Windows XP/2000 just use DOSBOX ( http://dosbox.sourceforge.net/news.php?show_news=1 ). It emulates a perfect "old" MS-DOS environment with extended and conventional memory, DOS sounblaster and all the stuff. Remember that Win 2000 or XP doesn't have a MS-DOS operating system running under the GUI and the built-in emulated DOS compatibiliy is very limited. If you want to run advanced MS-DOS games under WIN XP with sound and good performance, the only way is using DOSBOX.
  2. Guardian

    Help from spanish speaking folks!

    The guys have explained correctly the meaning of "burbujitas", but i can ensure you that "Imeccables" is NOT a spanish word. Maybe a greek one if, as you said, they came from Greece.
  3. Hi guys My Athlon XP 1800+ has been working without a problem for 1 year. But the problems started 2 days ago. Every time i run IE, the hard disk starts to "work" without pause and the system runs at "slow motion", but i have a swap file of 768 mb and there are more than 5 gbs of free space in my HD. The curious fact is such HD activity begins when i connect to an url, not when IE starts with the default blank page. In these conditions surfing the www is near impossible; i am writing this post from a friend's PC. Of course, i use Win XP Pro with SP1 and all fixes and updates. Any one have any clue how to fix my problem? Thanks in advance
  4. Guardian

    Monitor problems

    Hello thanks for the answers Problem solved! drivers issue... i tweaked it with NVrefreshtool and now 1600x1200@85 working fine.
  5. Guardian

    Monitor problems

    Hello yes, the problem is only in desktop settings... it just don't let me to select that video modes, i can't force it....
  6. Guardian

    Monitor problems

    Hello thanks for the answers the card is a Leadtek GF2 the drivers are the 21.83 detonators that box is unticked already any clue?
  7. Guardian

    Monitor problems

    Hi guys: just bought an IBM P96 19" monitor capable of 1600x1200@85 hz ...but i can't go beyond 1280x1024@60 hz the drivers from IBM don't help at all Win XP insist in limit me at 1280..... Any clue how fix the problem? Is there any manner to customize the monitor settings? thanks in advance
  8. Guardian

    Win XP startup problem

    After a network parameters revision, the problem seems to be solved. thanks
  9. Hi guys I have a little problem with Win XP. Everything seems to work ok, but now, during the startup procces it stands "frozen" showing the "wellcome" screen for a full minute or more, and without HD activity at all. After that "long wellcome" the OS startup normally. Of course i have disabled the "Nvidia driver helper.." and other innecesary system services. Is strange. Normally my system dont need more than 30 or 40 seconds to boot. where is the problem? ;( thanks in advance
  10. Guardian

    What is the best antivirus?

    Hi guys In your opinion, what is the best antivirus to use with this setup?: Athlon XP 1800+ SIS 735 256 PC133 Win XP Pro I used to work with karspersky, but someone told me that it causes troubles in Win XP. Any info about that? thanks in advance
  11. Guardian

    K7S5A Questions

    Hello guys any K7S5A user around? Just bought a K7S5A mobo I'll use it with a XP1900+ and Win XP Pro What about the SIS drivers? should i install them or just use the Win XP ones? should i upgrade the BIOS? thanks
  12. Guardian

    Any one here know Spanisg???????

    Quote: Spanish has some interestings dialects, as my wife has shown me From Mexico, to South AMerica, to Spain, makes for some interesting converstions amon fluent Spanish speakers Hola sap I am from Spain (Europe), here, in the north we speak "castellano", the first spanish incarnation in time. ¿Es tu esposa española?,¿mexicana?. En mexico y sudamerica hablan un español muy hermoso, similar al que se usa en el sur de españa. I hope u understand me There are more than 300 million spanish speakers in the world
  13. Hello guys My stuff: Athlon XP 1900+ SIS 735 256 mb DDR Win XP Pro A single question: What antivirus for me? thanks in advance
  14. Guardian

    Any one here know Spanisg???????

    Hello Guvernment I speak spanish and i can tell you that the translation by tuneS and sapiens is OK, but i must say that the name of the languaje is "Spanish" (Español in spanish) not "Spanisg"