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Everything posted by ttringle

  1. ttringle

    3DFX users DEMAND Support

    Hi all, I read this post and I had to join this forum just to reply, so that should show how strongly I feel about this. As Brian has already explained. 3DFX is GONE!!! Did you get that, GONE!!! THE COMPANY IS NO MORE IT HAS MOVED ON AND MET IT'S MAKER IT IS BEREFT OF LIFE IT IS AN "EX" COMPANY. NVIDIA is not responsible for all the legions of morons that bought the last batch of 3DFX Products, anybody who paid attention to the industry, games, etc saw the writing on the wall long before 3DFX went out of business. The only people you should be crying to should be the Former CEO's and executives at 3DFX. They are the people who abandoned you to video cards that will no longer be supported in future operating systems. Not NVIDIA, I for one do not want NVIDIA Spending any time on 3DFX Drivers, and I own a good number of 3DFX Cards (of course I don't use them for my primary machines and I don't intend to install XP on any machine that runs them). Let me explain something as well, I was the poster child for 3DFX back in the day when they had a product that held a candle up to anything that NVIDIA was making, it took a while for me to get off of that train (which was heading for a station with no people without any breaks, i might add). But I had every 3DFX Card right up to the Voodoo 3500 TV. Then I was able to see the light, the 32Bit Color light. Up until Quake 3, nothing really showed off 32 Bit color and the huge difference it made in games. You guys remember what 3DFX said when people started buying Riva TNT2's with 32 Bit color. IT read a little like this (in tone) "Our customers dont really want 32 Bit color, they want blah blah blah, and for those that are asking for 32 Bit color, well they really don't know what they are talking about, our 16 bit, blah blah technical jargon, blah, makes it almost impossible to tell the difference between 16 and 32Bit color. (insert suspect jpeg files showing 3 different pictures) You get the drift. They did that for almost a year. Well, I said f(#)*(# that, and bought my first Nvidia product, the Geforce (original) Creative 3D Blaster. I haven't regretted my decision once. Now I understand not everybody can afford the best cards out there, but you know what. There are plenty of good Nvidia cards that are faster than what I bought the first time, and are definitely faster than ANYTHING!, 3DFX released during it's last year. Point is people, grow up, move on, save up and get a new video card. Keep your 3DFX Cards, put them in a secondary system and you can still play all 12 of the glide only games that you have in your library. It's done, get over it. I have, so have many other 3DFX users. Later TimT PS. Don't even think of flaming me because I may seem like an unloyal 3DFX user, cause it aint true, I gave them every chance to do the right thing. They chose unwisely and they went out of business because of it. FAST AND HARD...