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Everything posted by Oberon2000

  1. Hello all! This will be a little "winded", but I am current stumped on this one. Here it goes. The past weekend I rebooted my SBS 4.0 (as I do every weekend). The strange thing is that when I tried to log in as one of my users I set up the group they are in(i.e. USER,TELLER, DOMAIN ADMIN, etc...). No matter what group I am added to when I log into the server I cannot access the shared drives that were there previous. The strangest thing is that I can see the shares, but when I double click on them, They just give me an "ACCESS DENIED". This is where I get a bit persturbed. So I set one of my users (that was just setup as part of the "USER GROUP" that has access to all the shares) as part of the ADMINSTRATOR GROUP with FULL CONTROL and behold they can do everything they could of done before. I AM COMPLETELY HAIRLESS ON DA TOP O' ME HEAD RIGHT NOW!!! PLEASE HELP!!!!!!! MUCH THANXS.