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Everything posted by bluedha

  1. Okay, I have four WinXP computers hooked up through a 5-port hub. The problem is that one computer (computer A) refuses to receive another computer (computer B)'s shared files. I can see the shared files fine, but if I tried to copy some files from computer B to A, the copy process hangs for some time then I get "Cannot copy: The specified network name is no longer available" error message. Computer B can receive files from computer A. Other computers can send/received files from both A and B, and A and B both can send/receive files from all other computers on the network. So I know it's not a hardware issue. These two are fresh installs, but have been updated fully. I just cannot figure this out. What is the problem here?
  2. bluedha

    need help! strange problem in winxp network

    sorry. can the moderator please move this thread to windows xp networking? thank you.
  3. bluedha

    Help: mouse doesn't work in WinXP

    I just upgraded from Win2k to WinXP. But ever since the installation, the mouse refuses to work. No movement, no buttons work, nothing. When I had this problem in Win2k, fiddling with via 4in1 drivers fixed the problem. But not with WinXP. I tried various bios versions to no avail. I don't want to do a full re-install. The same problem would occur anyway. I used standard XP drivers, XP via drivers, via's 4in1s, but mouse still doesn't work. Can anybody please help me? My spec: Athln TB 800 Asus A7V bios 1008 SB Live Radeon 32DDR driver 3224 >>Logitech p/s2 mouse<< pc133 384mb
  4. bluedha

    Help: mouse doesn't work in WinXP

    okay, I'll try the mouseware. But I never had it in the first place with Win2k. If this doesn't work, I'm getting an usb optical mouse.