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Everything posted by freefalle6

  1. freefalle6

    Infected by a VIRUS...

    If you can boot up to win xp, just use the system restore, and restore your computer to a date before the infection. Hope it helps, FREE
  2. freefalle6

    win xp stickers for case

    Does anyone know were I can get a win xp sticker for my case?, (the chrome ones that come with Gateway/Compaq/HP computers)I called Microsoft and nobody had a clue on who to talk to get one, I also called compaq, they where the ones that sent me the upgade disk and they dont have a clue on how to get a sticker. I dont want a sticker bad enough to buy another copy of win xp, but it seems silly that its this much trouble to get a sticker. heck AMD will send you stickers all day long, oh well if anyone has a clue on how to get one it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, FREE
  3. freefalle6

    win xp stickers for case

    I made my own sticker with fellows cd labler, its also great for cds and i made some nvidia gf3 case stickers too.
  4. freefalle6

    Win xp calling home

    Ok here is my problem, win xp connects to the internet on its own some times. I've disabled remote access and auto up[censored], I dont have a virus either(just did scan with norton 2002 with all current updates and no viruses) I have it on a dialup connection that connects at 28.8 does anyone have a clue why it is doing this?? or how to fix it. Thanks in advance, FREE
  5. freefalle6

    Win xp calling home

    Ok here is my problem, win xp connects to the internet on its own some times. I've disabled remote access and auto up[censored], I dont have a virus either(just did scan with norton 2002 with all current updates and no viruses) I have it on a dialup connection that connects at 28.8 does anyone have a clue why it is doing this?? or how to fix it. Thanks in advance, FREE
  6. freefalle6

    clone cd password

    ok I updated my clone cd and I put in the wrong password, then I put in the correct password and it still doesnt work WTF?? does the program turn off if you put in the wrong p/w?? and also is there anyway to fix this because cdrwin wont work properly in win xp. Thanks FREE
  7. freefalle6

    win xp and IE authentication

    under properties in internet explorer, under the advanced tab it has a option called: "Enable Intergrated windows authentication" does anyone know what this is?? Thanks
  8. freefalle6

    win xp and IE authentication

    ANYONE? THanks
  9. freefalle6

    Install retail XP PRO over Corp. PRO??

    Well if they disable the "compromised"( i.e the one that gateway,hp and thousands of other people using) corp edition you know how many thousands of legit computers will be locked down?? I dont think they will be any lockdown codes for the corp edition it would take months for the oem's to fix their customers computers.
  10. freefalle6

    NVidia GeForec3 drivers and WinXP

    yes 21.83 are the most current drivers
  11. freefalle6

    win xp registration

    A buddy of mine is using win xp pro ( which is not registered) and ,he recieved a email today telling him that he needed to register his copy of win xp pro, now my question is how did Microsoft know that he was running a unregistered copy of win xp? I think that the great "ZONE" firewall they have is nothing more than a gateway for Microsoft to find out if your copy of win xp is legitimate. so just be carefull if your copy of win xp is not registered. If im totaly wrong about my assumption, please enlighten me on how MS knew the status of his copy of win xp pro. Later FREEFALL P,s no flames please, thanks
  12. freefalle6

    win xp registration

    It runs fine why mess with a service pack,
  13. freefalle6

    win xp sending info to MS???

    I heard that every time you connect to the internet that win xp sends all your system info i.e cracked software,etc..also i heard that if your running the corp win xp,(no product activation) the one thats *****ed all over the internet,that microsoft will know and your busted!! is true??? or is it more microsoft b.s. I know it sounds a little crazy but i have to ask. Thanks FREE
  14. freefalle6

    XP sends software info to microsoft

    I heard that every time you connect to the internet that win xp sends all your system info i.e cracked software,etc..also i heard that if your running the corp win xp,(no product activation) the one thats *****ed all over the internet,that microsoft will know and your busted!! is true??? or is it more microsoft b.s. I know it sounds a little crazy but i have to ask. Thanks FREE
  15. freefalle6

    win xp sending info to MS???

    I heard that every time you connect to the internet that win xp sends all your system info i.e cracked software,etc..also i heard that if your running the corp win xp,(no product activation) the one thats *****ed all over the internet,that microsoft will know and your busted!! is true??? or is it more microsoft b.s. I know it sounds a little crazy but i have to ask. Thanks FREE
  16. freefalle6

    win xp sending info to MS???

  17. freefalle6

    win xp sending info to MS???

    I heard that every time you connect to the internet that win xp sends all your system info i.e cracked software,etc..also i heard that if your running the corp win xp,(no product activation) the one thats *****ed all over the internet,that microsoft will know and your busted!! is true??? or is it more microsoft b.s. I know it sounds a little crazy but i have to ask. Thanks FREE
  18. I heard that every time you connect to the internet that win xp sends all your system info i.e cracked software,etc..also i heard that if your running the corp win xp,(no product activation) the one thats *****ed all over the internet,that microsoft will know and your busted!! is true??? or is it more microsoft b.s. I know it sounds a little crazy but i have to ask. Thanks FREE
  19. freefalle6

    win xp sending info to MS???

    yea i know but i had to ask.