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Posts posted by Tomay

  1. I've seen some very instable athlon xp systems caused by mostly cheap ram or motherboards, but I've seen a mail server running suse linux with an duron 1GHz wich is up 24/7.


    So you see like myself the cpu isn't that important for stability, but the quality of other components is, so I saved money buying a celeron but invested in better Mobo and ram. And my rig is rocksolid running 24/7.

  2. I use celerons from the time they first came out C300A and I also had a few pII and pentiumIII processors so I know what I'm talking about. It depens on the price. I'm sure you don't get twice the performance of a celeron 2,4 in a P4 2,4/800 but the p4 costs twice as much.


    My celeron calculates a seti unit in aprox 4,5 hours.

    It reaches 8900 3dmarks and almost 10000 overclocked.


    It's good enough for me also playing games doing some video and audio editing from time to time. I'll probably get a p4 when they become cheaper. smile

  3. According to some test the P4P800 is a bit faster than the P4C800 but you won't see the difference, but if you ask me I'd go ABIT here.


    For the Video cards I'd go for less ram and more speed:



    Core Speed 400MHz and Memory Speed 300MHzx2 (600MHz DDR)



    Core Speed 400MHz and Memory Speed 200MHzx2 (400MHz DDR)


    Check this pages to see that the 128MB ram version uses 300x2 ram speed and the 256MB version uses 200x2. The price is the same 'cos they use slower ram. wink


    So check before you buy. Not many games need more than 128MB ram.

  4. No you can not, and yes you can buy converters, but the're pretty expensive.


    Only if your mobo supports ide raid you can build a raid array (e.g. ABIT ST6-RAID)


    You can get 2 sata drives or you can make a software raid (win2000, xp... supports it).


    Or you can forget about raid 'cos it aint such a big improvement.

  5. I had a dual vga setup 1 agp and 1 pci graphic card. But not all pci cards work with all agp ones. Make sure you try before you buy. My best experiences were with ati pci cards. Any old pci card will do the job and they are very cheap.

  6. OK. BTW for much of the slaughtering in the world is done by USA or the USA can be blamed for. Ask the people of iraq if the USA has helped them. Of course all asked by CNN, NBC ... will say yes, but the real public opinion goes against USA.


    Bottom line is Bush is an idiot who is playing with the lives of milions and should be removed from gene pool!

  7. Latest drivers (both sound and chipset), latest bios + Sometimes disabling (muting) sound inputs and outputs improves the sound. Try to mute everything you don't use (cd, mic ...) + Also disable your Joystick in the bios.


    But best of all, get a creative sound card, or any other sound-card. (almost anything is better than te onboard sound)

  8. I still use some gf2 mx cards for quake3 laugh


    Older ati cards suck, like ati rage128pro ultra. It does only 30fps on a celeron 1.2G (where did the ultra go?), but the best is that you can still buy this card and people who buy it think that they could play games. My old voodoo3 was faster than that.


    BTW if you wanna know which card is the fastest, put all the cards in a computer one after another and benchmark them with 3dmark or quake3...

  9. Nforce2 should run ddr266/333/400 without any problems even at dual channel mode.

    But to make sure, try it with just one stick first.


    I've never heard that your gpu can limit the speed of your ram ;(


    Why couldn't you flash your bios?

    download it here http://www.shuttle.com/hq/support/download/dwn2.asp?model=SN41G2#

    You also need a utility from ftp://ftp.shuttle.com/BIOS/utility

    or a dos utility.
