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Everything posted by Andy_7676

  1. I'm confused, I see all these posts saying it will work or it wont work... Has anyone actually gotten Glide, D3D and OpenGL to work with their Voodoo5 5500 under the final build of XP (2600)? If so, where can I get information of getting it to work? Please only persons who own a Voodoo5 and are using the latest XP build post, since there seems to be way to much misinformation floating around here.
  2. ok.then why are there like 2 or 3 drivers sets from this site and voodoofiles.com claiming to have XP drivers that support Glide, and OpenGL? this pisses me off...I dont want to have to buy another Nvidia card just to play Glide and GL games!
  3. Andy_7676

    password protecting shares in xp

    awesome..thanks man!
  4. Andy_7676

    password protecting shares in xp

    how dude? I can't seem to find where to put the password.... How do your give rights to specifics users to specific shared folders like you can do in Win 2000?