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About Medieval__

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  1. For the life of me I tried most things, I couldn't get it to work. My setup is cable modem-->hub-->2 comps (XP network wizard doesn't suggest this but that's how I do it since I get multiple free ips and I like each comp being independent) Anyhoo, to my dismay I could not get WinXP and WinXP to network much (occassionally the shared folders would work but the workgroup would not, wierd). I tried disabled firewall, some things suggested here. Well, what I ended up doing was readin the help.. it says in my case it SUGGESTS to install the IPX protocol to be used for LAN. ANyhoo I installed IPX on both, and everything works perfectly now. The moral of the story I guess is if the OS suggests you do something, you better do it damnit Medieval
  2. NOTE: these EXACT same problems occurred in Win2k.. some people I talk to seem to think this is "Normal" My setup: cable-->hub-->2 seperate comps each with 1 NIC anyhoo, the problem: Sometimes the I can see the other comp (win98), sometimes I can't when I can connect to the other computer, sometimes transferring is fast (10mbit like it should be) other times it is insanly slow (10k/s) Has anyone else experienced this, and do they have any solutions. Thanks for your time, Medieval (I just upgraded to XP.. it's nice but a little hard to get used to at first.. everything in a different spot ahhhhh!)