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About bpn

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  1. Hi, Just Spent 18 hours trying to upgrade from XP RC2 to the final version. I tried to look on several messageboards for some help on my problem, but I couldn´t find that either, so I thought I would post something about it here... The problem was that when the installation has finished the first part, & then rebooting, it just stopped at the startup screeen (with the blue bars running)..The HD light was on for 3 seconds & then off for 3 seconds (the HD did not have any errors) for a few hours without anything happening I tried every Raid driver from 1.03, to the newest v. 2 driver..tried to update the bios, took out everything from my pc, turned of USB, etc, etc, etc....and nothing helped. Then I found out I could install XP on my second HD, so it could only be becuase that I use FAT32 on my second HD, and NTFS is running on my first HD. So I converted from NTFS to FAT32 with Partition Magic 7 & then I had no problem installing XP on my HD Just wanted to tell you guys that, becuase I have read that alot of ppl. has problems installing XP, and hope this will help. My specs: Abit kt7 raid 2*30GB IBM 75GXP in raid 0 900 Mhz TB SB Live Asus Gefore 2 GTS Bpn
  2. bpn

    Couldn´t install Win XP

    Hi, Just Spent 18 hours trying to upgrade from XP RC2 to the final version. I tried to look on several messageboards for some help on my problem, but I couldn´t find that either, so I thought I would post something about it here... The problem was that when the installation has finished the first part, & then rebooting, it just stopped at the startup screeen (with the blue bars running)..The HD light was on for 3 seconds & then off for 3 seconds (the HD did not have any errors) for a few hours without anything happening I tried every Raid driver from 1.03, to the newest v. 2 driver..tried to update the bios, took out everything from my pc, turned of USB, etc, etc, etc....and nothing helped. Then I found out I could install XP on my second HD, so it could only be becuase that I use FAT32 on my second HD, and NTFS is running on my first HD. So I converted from NTFS to FAT32 with Partition Magic 7 & then I had no problem installing XP on my HD Just wanted to tell you guys that, becuase I have read that alot of ppl. has problems installing XP, and hope this will help. My specs: Abit kt7 raid 2*30GB IBM 75GXP in raid 0 900 Mhz TB SB Live Asus Gefore 2 GTS Bpn