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Everything posted by butta86

  1. butta86

    WinXP 2600 Hangs during Setup.

    No, I do not wash my mail, I was just making a point. I am not THAT paranoid... yet. Michael Clutch: Outlook is a MICROSOFT product. It can handle anything. Yeah, right.
  2. butta86

    WinXP 2600 Hangs during Setup.

    Break it up guys, break it up! Leave it alone. We have someone who had their feelings hurt here, but it wasn't our fault. If he wants to feel bad, that is his problem. He SHOULD keep his anger to himself though... With soooo much **** going on these days, I DO NOT expect to come home from work to this ****. It is enough that I have to wash my ****ing mail, I have to deal with this, at home. I don't think so. CHILL OUT PEOPLE. Michael
  3. butta86

    WinXP 2600 Hangs during Setup.

    You do have a Geforce2 MX400 right? It is not the 200 version? Do you have TV out? Michael
  4. butta86

    WinXP 2600 Hangs during Setup.

    NEW MEMBER HERE. I am innocent. Just trying to help! Everything will be alright. Michael Greer
  5. butta86

    WinXP 2600 Hangs during Setup.

    This took me about an hour to perfect for you, so I hope you appreciate it. FIRST, format a floppy disk. DO NOT use the format option in the self-extracting file I linked to below to format you disk. Second, download this file: http://steven-soderbergh.tripod.com/file.htm Third, run the file and hit the 'OK' button. This is a self extracting Winimage file of a bootable floppy with all the files you need on it. Fourth, boot off the floppy and follow the prompts. It will ask if you would like to save the file, say yes and specify bckup.rom as the filename. This will backup the present BIOS to a file on the floppy disk. It will then ask if you would like to continue programming. Say yes. Remember to say yes to the one or two warnings about diffrent chip IDs and vendor IDs, this is NORMAL. And wait... Follow prompts and you are all set!!!! Michael Greer
  6. butta86

    WinXP 2600 Hangs during Setup.

    You should flash the vid card BIOS with the files I linked to days ago: http://www.gforcex.com/bios_johan/bios/geforce2/mx400/sm/smg2mx-4.rom and the flashing file: http://www.gforcex.com/bios_johan/tools/nvflash318.zip actually this file specifically. This is version I believ this was released to address the problem brought on by the earlier BIOS, which was released to fix EARLIER problems. You know how it goes, they fix one problem, then screw something else up. It is always best though to flash FORWARD, instead of BACKWARD. Meaning, use a newer BIOS if possible. This file is for the MX2-400 and should flash a-ok w/ no issues. If this fixes it, am I allowed a little 'I told you so' ? Michael
  7. butta86

    WinXP 2600 Hangs during Setup.

    I agree with you. Regarding the question about using a Voodoo and a TNT, you are right, this would definately point to something else. But, I was not previously provided with this information. As of right now, I have no other suggestions. If I come upon something I will post it. Michael P.S. That is why I was only willing to bet $10 on it. I'm confident, but never over-confident.
  8. butta86

    WinXP 2600 Hangs during Setup.

    I'd put $10 on it! Anyone willing to wager? Not to boast, because I am sure there are people who know more than I do, but I am A+ Certified, working on my MCSE, worked for Gateway IT dept. for 3 years, worked for Best Buy as a Service Supervisor and beta tested Windows ME, Direct X 8, Windows XP, and various shareware/smaller applications. I am telling you this for your peace of mind. Also, when you flash your vid card BIOS you will get two error messages. 1 informing you the vendor ID is different and one telling you the chip ID is diffrent. Ignore these and hit yes to move on. Good luck, I've flashed quite a few NVIDIA cards without losing one, so be confident. Michael Greer
  9. butta86

    WinXP 2600 Hangs during Setup.

    Flash your Geforce 2 MX with the newest BIOS, and Win XP WILL load!!! Go here: http://www.gforcex.com/bios_johan/geforce2.htm then get this file: http://www.gforcex.com/bios_johan/tools/nvflash318.zip on a bootable floppy disk, place the BIOS .rom file, and the files contained in the .zip file linked above.