Is anyone totally sure about Max 2.5 compatability with Windows 2000? There seems to be some conflicting information on the applications site. I am running a dual P3 800 with a FIRE GL1 card, SCSI drive, P600 RDRAM / and NT 4.0 (svc pk 5). I have to switch to Windows 2000 because the program I use at work is upgrading in October to a fully shaded, 3D environment ala Windows 2000 and Direct X. If I want to work at home, which I do frequently, I have to be running that platform. The program obviously won't work as well in on a NT platform. But I have spent a small fortune on Max 2.5, and all the plug-ins! I would rather not have to do a dual-boot scenario. I would actually like to run W2K, because of everything I have heard lately about resources, stasbility, etc. (after service pack 2) Can anyone tell me who verified on the application site that Max 2.5 "works fine on W2K" ???