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Everything posted by HoriZon

  1. HoriZon

    Autoplay Icons in XP lost?

    I seemed to have lost my Auto play icons: Any ideas on how to get them back?
  2. HoriZon

    Autoplay Icons in XP lost?

    Tried that 1st to no luck It seems to work fine etc just that it's one of those things!! Any other ideas?
  3. HoriZon

    CS and RogerWilco/BattleCom

    OK I got it!!! it's if you have SHIFT binded it trys doing that. It works fine with w,a,s,d keys for movement but not the arrow keys. Keyboard problem I think. Unbind Shift and you should be ok I was in Q3!
  4. HoriZon

    Exit quake3: freeze

    My Q3 does this to but only rarely.. On dets 21.83 not tried the new dets yet 23.11 they fix this ?
  5. 1 question: I have a "SBlive! 1024" which is that ? Been looking all over to find out. The drivers for it on winME in device manager atm say: Creative SB Live! series (WDM) Thanks