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Everything posted by mmz114

  1. I read in the NT compatible Game lists about how you need to run APCOMPAT.EXE for WINDOWS 2000 so that it detects the right amount of disk space. How do you do something like that for Windows XP? Any help will be appreciated.
  2. I got windows XP preinstalled from DELL when i got my new computer. Since then, its been hell trying to live with XP. I have had some serious issues with games and hardware. But this one tops the list of microsoft screwups. I can't even get Internet Explorer 6 to work correctly. I tried to reinstall IE6 but it won't let me saying there is a newer version. I have reinstalled windows XP and still get the same problem. Its so bad that I have downloaded Netscape Navigator 6.2 and it works fine. Anyone here knows how to either fix IE6 or permanently remove it. Thanks. Below is the error message i get when IE6 crashes. And believe me, it crashes every 5 seconds. --------------------------- iexplore.exe - Application Error --------------------------- The instruction at "0x10003623" referenced memory at "0x00000010". The memory could not be "written". Click on OK to terminate the program --------------------------- OK ---------------------------
  3. mmz114

    Enemy Engaged Freaking Out in XP

    Does anyone here play the game Enemy Engaged: Comanche vs. Hokum. I have a extremely weird problem with it in XP. When I am running the game in Free Flight mode, everything runs fine. When I play in campaign mode, everything is fine as long as I am playing Recon or Transfer type missions. As soon as I select a Close Air Support type mission, XP is restarting. I mean the game quits and XP reboots as soon as I click on the missions of that type. I have Geforce 3 Ti 500 with latest XP drivers. I have reinstalled the game. Tried just about everything. I have no clue what is going on. Since the game run fine with other mission types, I am thinking its a XP specific problem. Not a driver type of problem. Please let me know if anyone has a fix or suggestion.
  4. mmz114

    Internet Explorer Crashes every time in XP

    You are right. But I already bought the system. Now can anyone help me out with this? I doubt that this is a Dell problem. This seems more like a Windows XP problem. Being that I am not likely to get any support from Microsoft, I am here at the forums to get help from all of you. So please feel free to help me out.
  5. mmz114

    How do i reinstall Outlook Express???

    I am having the same problem but with Internet Explorer 6. Its buggy as hell and keeps crashing every time. I tried to reinstall it but I keep getting the message that says a newer version is already installed. I have given up and went with Netscape Navigator 6.2. At least I can get internet access fine now. I think XP was another example of how much microsoft sucks. I play a lot of flight sims and about half my games don't work with XP. But Internet Explorer not working correctly in XP is just too much. I hate XP and the only reason I got it was because it was preinstalled by Dell when i got a new computer.
  6. mmz114

    Best RPG game out there right now?

    Best RPG ever. period