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Everything posted by shinji3c

  1. shinji3c

    Dual boot, NT4.0 over win2k?

    you could install nt after installing windows 2000. just that you would need to reinstall other files that are needed to load windows 2000.
  2. shinji3c

    unattended install

    hello all I'm trying to do unattended installation. I didn't have problem doing it off the CD but i am having problem doing it over the network. I have a server that has the distribution share and my other PC connects to it and i ran \\my2000\2000\winnt.exe /unattend:\\my2000\2000\winnt.sif (my2000 is my server and 2000 is the share) and successfully copies and restarts..but when i get to the blue screen installation mode, it prompts to insert the CD. i mean is it supposed to be like that or am i missing something? i can't figure out even after 5 or 6 times or trial...if i have to put the CD in then what's the point of doing it over the network? i mean i could just put the CD in the first place and would have no problem...am i missing some switch that i have to run winnt32 with? i tried the /s switch as well but it still asked for the CD .....anybody please help!!! anything would be much appreciated. Thanks
  3. shinji3c

    unattended install

    um...i know and i tried what the messages were saying already...but it still asks for the CD....pulling my hairs out like crazy man... when i come back to windows and see inside the drive and i see the temporary file there in the drive which it should have read from instead of cd but i don't know why it's asking for the cd at all. not at all man....